Search found 2 matches
- Wed Oct 04, 2006 11:12 am
- Forum: SymbianOS Port
- Topic: bugs from SymbianOS Subversion Builds for S90. date 06 09 17
- Replies: 0
- Views: 2132
bugs from SymbianOS Subversion Builds for S90. date 06 09 17
i download scummvm-060917-SymbianS90_all.sis. After install i found: Some games load faster than early bilds. Loom, kirandia, passport the adventures and some other. Simon 1/2 loaded weRY long!!! And after first screen I get error window - scummVM Fatal Error: Invalid VGA opcode '16191' ecountered S...
- Sat Dec 03, 2005 1:50 pm
- Forum: SymbianOS Port
- Topic: anotherguest bilds 051108 and 051127 for nokia 7710
- Replies: 2
- Views: 4308
anotherguest bilds 051108 and 051127 for nokia 7710
A test anotherguest bilds scummvm 051108 and 051127. I found that 051108 more stable and more workable on 7710 with new firmware 4.10 tested on "maniac mansion" and "The day of the tentacle" one of real bad errors of wersion from 051127 - i can not unlock phone with unlock combin...