Thanks guys, you must get quite exasperated with us noobs at times!
Clicking the top of the screen worked. I've used ScummVM on PC, Mac & N-Gage but this is the first time I've come across this feature. That'll teach me for not reading the readme more carefully.
Thanks for the info Clem. Unfortunately double clicking the bottom area of the screen does nothing & I don't know how to maps keys to buttons - I can't see any map keys option so I guess I need to edit the ini file. I'll check out the readme. Cheers. UPDATE: Just tried using 0.7 from the previou...
Can no one help? Well it's ok as I've just got it working by downloading the GAPI pack from . Seems I was missing some DLL's. Now the only problem now is that ScummVM hides the Windows onscreen keyboard (or is there an option to show it somewhere?) So I can't get past the pas...
I'm trying to run ScummVM 0.10.0 on a Windows CE 4.2 Pocket PC but I get the error "...scummvw.exe has performed an illegal operation..." when the program is launched. I've tried the WindowsCE build & the SVN build but both give the same message. I've search the forums but can't seem t...