I just recently got to know that SCUMMVM was avaliable for PDA's. I've been using it for PC for quite some time and it has never given me any problems, but unfortunately, the PDA-version isn't as friendly.
I'm running Windows Mobile 5 and tried playing Flight of the Amazon Queen (mp3-version), but after a few seconds, I get this problem:
Exception Access Violation Flags 00000000 Address 00044954
Parameter 0 00000000
Parameter 1 24000008
Context dump
R0=009136d0 R1=00423b60 R2=00000002 R3=00000000 R4=00000001
R5=00000000 R6=ffffffff R7=006b21a0 R8=009136d0 R9=00423b60
R10=fffffff6 R11=243ff810 R12=a3464a2f
Sp=243ff7b8 Lr=00044958 Pc=00044954 Psr=20000010
Memory dump at 00044922
87 e5 28 30 87 e5 0c 90
87 e5 10 40 c7 e5 11 50
c7 e5 18 60 87 e5 2c 80
87 e5 18 00 00 0a 00 00
58 e3 11 00 00 0a 00 30
98 e5 08 00 a0 e1 0f e0
a0 e1 08 f0 93 e5 2c 20
97 e5 0c 40 99 e5 00 50
a0 e1 00 30 92 e5 02 00
a0 e1 0f e0 a0 e1 14 f0
93 e5 20 30 dd e5 05 20
a0 e1 04 10 a0 e1 44 0a
00 eb 28 00
Now, I have no idea what that means, but it seems similar to the:
Any suggestions?
FOTAQ - Error
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