SVN Build updated

Subforum for discussion and help with ScummVM's Symbian (mobile phones, etc) ports

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Post by goetz »

Well, at last I found some time for testing and got todays (06-09-17) SVN code snapshot and compile it under linux.

The resulting linux binary could load savegames of:
+ linux 0.9.0
+ linux 06-09-17
+ S60v3 06-06-11
+ S60v3 06-09-16

ScummVM S60v3 06-06-11 could also load all of them.

ScummVM S60v3 06-09-16 could load:
+ S60v3 06-09-16
- All others displayed "invalid savegame".

Hope, this small survey helps. :D

- Goetz
ScummVM Porter
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Post by Anotherguest »

Thanks so very much. :-) I will try to load the save games in my emulator to see if they work there.
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Post by goetz »

Guess what, validating savegames could be really a memory problem. :shock:

At last I tried the scummvm-060917-SymbianS60v3_scumm.sis SVN build on the E60 instead of the full test build scummvm-060916-SymbianS60v3_test.sis. Results:

- Can load all savegames from old and new versions so far. :)
- Tha vertical scroll bug seems to be fixed -- in some way: The vertical scrolling, e.g. in my atlantis savegame where indy enters the submarine, takes place in the bottom 5 pixel rows if scrolling down and top 5 if scrolling up again. Then the updated version of the screen is shown correctly. At least a workaround that makes this game playable! :D

Thanks for your efforts! I'm able to switch to a more recent version now.

Maybe for future versions we should keep the concept of different binaries containing different versions, including scumm, all, etc.

- Goetz
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Post by Anotherguest »

Well thats why I'm building around 90 different versions of scummvm to suite all kinds of target and platforms. Only takes around 8-12 hours on my computer or so. Might be a linkage problem in the larger version then.
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Post by goetz »

Maybe it's only a problem of the test version? I tried the S60v3-all version wich runs without problems, including savegames.
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Post by Anotherguest »

Ahh.. well the ALL version is abit smaller than the test version (not ALL engines available.. but just the 0.9 official engines).

Great that it works anyway. :-) Nice
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Post by Maveric »

Is it possible to install the different parts of the full .sis file (like kyra.sis, queen.sis and so on) on the phone?

How do you do that? When I try to install them, I can't, because they are seen as the same application. Renaming the folder "ScummVM" didn't work either.
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Post by Ildjarn »

Tried the scummvm-060917-SymbianUIQ3_all.sis and scummvm-060917-SymbianUIQ3_scumm.sis and same results, all vertical scrolling SCUMM games are now playable. Thanks a lot, Anotherguest.
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Post by moturimi »

I just got my new N73 and installed my old adventures with the newest build of scummvm-060917-SymbianS60v3_all.sis Thanks AnotherGuest.
I also tried to play non-scumm adventures and installed the special version of scummvm for each game. But many games didn't work at all.

Simon1&Simon2 didn't work. It showed the following error although I used scummvm-060917-SymbianS60v3_simon.sis:
"Scummvm FatalError: SimonEngine:: load game wrong gameNumber"

KyraCD: Error: No version of Kyrandia found in specified directory. Although I use the same files as on my PC (kyra.dat) Used the specail Scummvm version vor kyra. No luck at all.

Lure doesn't work either.

Every other game I tried worked. Queen, Beneath a Steel Sky, Sam&Max, Dott, Atlantis, Indy3, Monkey Island 1&2 and Loom. Even the sound is working correctly.

Any comments? Does someone else got some non-scumm games to work. What am I doing wrong?
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Post by Anotherguest »

Updated 20070314
And.. yet another SVN update for S60v3 and UIQ3. (Otherbuilds not currently working. Anyone who has a working Cygwin environment on their pc? )

New keymappings added (Fast mode and debugger).
Also fixed ITE savegame (F1->F5) and some code cleanup.
And well.. any other bugs that might have been and fixed by others.

Post by Brian! »

Anotherguest wrote:Updated 20070314
And.. yet another SVN update for S60v3 and UIQ3. (Otherbuilds not currently working. Anyone who has a working Cygwin environment on their pc? )
You may not believe it, but: I have ;) - Why do you ask? :?: :P
Anotherguest wrote:New keymappings added (Fast mode and debugger).
Also fixed ITE savegame (F1->F5) and some code cleanup.
And well.. any other bugs that might have been and fixed by others.
Unfortunately there are still some things that won't work on my phone (still S60v3/N73):
*ITE: Menu is working again :), Fast Mode isn't working (so the Fast Mode I was telling about in another post (F1) isn't available anymore), skipping isn't working too (I have tested ALL possible keys, mapping possibilities and multitap) and the game crashes at the scene, where Rif, Okk and Ehar are setting over the see with the ferry (maybe it wouldn't crash, if I was able to cut the hole scene - but since that isn't possible by now, I will try some things to get around this part, don't worry about that ;) )...
*Simon, BASS, DOTT (and some more) are still not interruptible (within DOTT, BASS and maybe all SCUMM games, the "#" button is mapped to the debugger as default)
*BASS: still not possible to enter the menu
*Simon: Fast Mode is working here, but can't play the game because it always crashes during the intro when Simon (or the dog?) wants to open the chest. I think this wouldn't be a problem if the intro where interruptible...
*Debugger works fine, is it the same as in the "original ScummVM" or are there any changes (to be honest, I never used the debugger by now and I'm curious if the debugger may help me with the intro problems)...

Mhmm... I think thats enough for now. I'm still very thankful, that you where able to make so frequent builds at the moment, compared with the rather long time period from September till February. So thank you again for that! :D
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Post by Anotherguest »

1.I need a cygwin environment to rebuild the compiler for S60v2, S60v1, UIQ2 , S80 and S90 so it supports #pragma pack.

2. F1 was/is just a FPS counter with different timer. Offical fast mode (ctrl+f) is now mappable. And I thought that timer also affected ITE. I will test in emu.

3. Bass works on UIQ. Have n't tried on S60 except in emu where it works. Try uninstalling and reinstalling to get default settings again.

4. The debugger is the same, it has just been disabled, since the old version was n't working. Debugger might be able to help you to jump to a specific position. need to turn off keymappings during entering text though.

And yes.. the key mappings has changed so fastmode is before debugger, so your old keys might have rotated abit. So thats why you should check your current keymappings.
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Post by Vicious »

When will be a new version od CVS for S60v1.0 ? I waiting and waiting :)
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Post by Anotherguest »

When I can rebuild the compiler so it supports pre Symbian OS 9 devices again. If not, there will be no more S80,S90, S60v1, S60v2 and UIQ2 builds.

Post by Brian! »

Anotherguest wrote:3. Bass works on UIQ. Have n't tried on S60 except in emu where it works. Try uninstalling and reinstalling to get default settings again.
I tried all I can including uninstalling all (and restart the phone every time), deleting the scummvm directory by my self, remapping all available buttons to a defined key, all key combinations I can think about, and all possible key and multitap combinations including all available keys in keyboard mode - and so, on my N73 the key mapping is definitively buggy :(.
In all games (DOTT, BASS, MM, MI1, MI2, SIMON, ITE, S&M etc.) either the menu or the skipping (or both) didn't work as it should (and for the SCUMM games worked before).
I don't now anything about the working of any phone emulator so I just give you my phone details, maybe that will help figure something out...

Type: RM-133
Model: N73-1
Code: 0539721
IC: 661Z-RM133

V 3.0638.0.0.1
Nokia N73 (84.01)

(I made my last Firmware update with the Nokia PC Suit 3 Weeks ago)

I believe you when you say it works all fine with your emulator, please believe me too, that it won't on my phone :(.
Maybe some other N73 or S60v3 users (and active visitors of this forum) can post, if it works on their phones or if they encounter the same problems than I do.
So we may find out if it is a more Hardware (Phone) related problem or a problem that may easily be solved (if encountered) within your SDK backend (and as it has worked fine with older builds on my phone I believe the issue must be somewhere within the Software or Emulator).

Oh, and by the way, I finally tested ITE on my Laptop and it is the ESC key that skips the intro. So I sometimes think the "c" button on my phone works as ESC and sometimes it don't (because it won't skip cut scenes in ITE for example).
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