Hello !first i wanted to thanxs all those who make it posible to play these excellent games on our phones!
Well to the point:
I have both N93 and N73, the both work excellent wil scumm, they flip the screen,no crashes in any game nor loading but in The Curse of monkey Island.
It says mad library compiled support needed.
what is that!? or where can i get it?
Mad does n't work very well on your phone.. it actually crashes ScummVM. ASM or other reasons I think. Also this game is a 640x480 so lots of down scaling has to be done, and actually it has never been tested with the SDL integration done, with or without MAD.
640x480 is sopported by the N93 cause it has an output TV option so scalling wouldnt be necessary. I can put films in format 640x480 and it reproduces them.
so that shouldnt be a problem. another thing is that it wouldnt be capable to support the MAD file.