First a little mini FAQ to get the big questions out of the way.
What is this Q-gears thing you keep posting about?
Q-gears is an attempt to make a clone of Squaresoft's Final Fantasy 7 game engine. It is designed to be cross-platform and run on modern operating systems such as Win32 and Linux. In the future this is to serve as a framework for compatibility with other Square games. Many games after this were created with the same same code base and design philosophy. Written in C++, it uses cross-platform graphics libraries (SDL and OpenGL) along with GCC, a cross platform C/C++ compiler. It is named after "Gears" which is a wholly inaccurate and incredibly incomplete reference for the original FF7 engine. The "Q" means nothing, other than it's a cool letter to differentiate between the document and the program. This program is currently being hacked togeather by a small community of programmers from all around the world, including Sweden, Thiland, Russia, the U.K., france, and the U.S.
Hey, isn't this illegal? I mean, this sounds kind of like Chrono Trigger Resurrection, and that was shut down by Square.
No, because at the core of it all, Q-gears is just a virtual machine that does nothing without external game data, which is not included. The creation of virtual machines to play games is nothing new. Others exist, such as ScummVM, FreeSCI, Sarien, and Fortz. Making an implementation isn't illegal or else Linux (an implementation of UNIX) wouldn't be around right now.
Where can I get more information?
Sev told me I should have a website, so I made one. It's located below. I highly suggest reading the FAQ there.
Anyway, with that out of the way.... NEW SCREENSHOTS!
Debug room
Midgar Station
You meet Barret here
On our way to the first reactor.
Outside the reactor.
Now a few with the layers all togeather.....
Also, finialy, the battle screen...
(Ok, so we haven't implemented that yet... we're working on it)
You will notice a few things. The pictures that look corrupted above had only the background layer rendered. The upper layers were not turned on yet. You will also see that the walkmesh that the 3D characters walk on isn't aligned yet, but it's getting there.
Another thing you will notice are the backgrounds are at a higher resolution. This is an artifact of field display code and will not stay like this. The code now just displays the entire field map. The end result will be just like the PC/PSX port where you will get only a window of this data and the PC in the center. We are going for compatibility first before anything else.
I could use some help getting the word out about this project. I could use a few more developers or hackers to help with the project.
I'm open for comments and questions as well...