The Black Cauldron for free?

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The Spoony Hou
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The Black Cauldron for free?

Post by The Spoony Hou »

Al Lowe has a bunch of old Sierra and Disney games in his site, including The Black Cauldron. Say, will you treat the game as free, or will wait until Sierra (or VU or whatever) actually says something about that?
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Post by comp1 »

Al Lowe doesn't hold the copyrights on his works. So we'd need to wait for Vivdendi and in this case, they might even have some problems with Disney (or Lloyd Alexander for that matter.)
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Post by PsYcO »

comp1 wrote:Al Lowe doesn't hold the copyrights on his works. So we'd need to wait for Vivdendi and in this case, they might even have some problems with Disney (or Lloyd Alexander for that matter.)
wouldn't it be kinda ironic though if he got sued for a game he made or help make?
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Post by clone2727 »

It's Al's business what he puts on his own website, but he doesn't give you legal right to download and use the games provided there.
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