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Post by Meringues »

I'll convert the rest of the images into icons tomorrow, also, thanius, I could make a few icons for you to take some of the stress off if you like? lol
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Sorry for the long post...

Post by Arantor »

Before I post the code I actually use, let me point out a couple of things:

1. I'm not sure how well moving the icons around would work from an interface perspective. Perhaps you'd have to put them in some kind of container; the whole point of how it works is to simply wrap the image into a link tag, the destination of that link is directly to a .bat file.

Currently IE processes the link once you click on it, much as if you clicked on any regular hyperlink (single click to activate)

Putting it in a container would be messy, I think, and would definitely detract from the iconic beauty we have so far.

2. Even if you solve that issue, the issue of actually saving the items must be maintained. Can you save what are, in effect, local cookies from JavaScript? (My JS doesn't extend that far, I'm afraid)

3. 140px just seemed to be a nice size and everything seemed to fit well enough. If I had really thought about it, I could have either used the 128x128 icons, or resized the images with GIMP. I was just too busy playing with proof-of-concept though. By using width="" rather than doing it in CSS forces IE to resize rather than crop, by the way.

4. In my case, I inherited many many files from my old Win98 PC, so everything of mine lives in C:\My Documents since I couldn't be bothered rewriting many paths in many different things to work.

* The file concerned is C:\My Documents\Pete-desktop.html
* All icon PNGs live in C:\My Documents\mainscreen\scummvm
* Each of the ScummVM games I have is triggered through a batch file, which all live in C:\Games\scummbat
* They all call C:\Games\scummbat\scummvm.bat, which is simply a director to where the ScummVM exe lives, passing on the game target as an argument.

Example: C:\Games\scummbat\samnmax.bat

Code: Select all

@call c:\games\scummbat\scummvm.bat samnmax

Code: Select all

@echo off
cd C:\Games\scummvm-0.10.0
scummvm %1
This way I don't have to update each bat file if I install a new ScummVM, I only have to update the single bat loader.

Now for the main file. It really isn't pretty HTML, for which I apologise.

The stuff in the HEAD tag is taken directly from http://homepage.ntlworld.com/bobosola/ as mentioned before, to handle the PNG transparency.

Code: Select all

<head><title>Pete's Desktop</title>
Correctly handle PNG transparency in Win IE 5.5 & 6.
http&#58;//homepage.ntlworld.com/bobosola. Updated 18-Jan-2006.
<!--&#91;if lt IE 7&#93;>
<script language="JavaScript">
function correctPNG&#40;&#41; // correctly handle PNG transparency in Win IE 5.5 & 6.
   var arVersion = navigator.appVersion.split&#40;"MSIE"&#41;
   var version = parseFloat&#40;arVersion&#91;1&#93;&#41;
   if &#40;&#40;version >= 5.5&#41; && &#40;document.body.filters&#41;&#41; 
      for&#40;var i=0; i<document.images.length; i++&#41;
         var img = document.images&#91;i&#93;
         var imgName = img.src.toUpperCase&#40;&#41;
         if &#40;imgName.substring&#40;imgName.length-3, imgName.length&#41; == "PNG"&#41;
            var imgID = &#40;img.id&#41; ? "id='" + img.id + "' " &#58; ""
            var imgClass = &#40;img.className&#41; ? "class='" + img.className + "' " &#58; ""
            var imgTitle = &#40;img.title&#41; ? "title='" + img.title + "' " &#58; "title='" + img.alt + "' "
            var imgStyle = "display&#58;inline-block;" + img.style.cssText 
            if &#40;img.align == "left"&#41; imgStyle = "float&#58;left;" + imgStyle
            if &#40;img.align == "right"&#41; imgStyle = "float&#58;right;" + imgStyle
            if &#40;img.parentElement.href&#41; imgStyle = "cursor&#58;hand;" + imgStyle
            var strNewHTML = "<span " + imgID + imgClass + imgTitle
            + " style=\"" + "width&#58;" + img.width + "px; height&#58;" + img.height + "px;" + imgStyle + ";"
            + "filter&#58;progid&#58;DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader"
            + "&#40;src=\'" + img.src + "\', sizingMethod='scale'&#41;;\"></span>" 
            img.outerHTML = strNewHTML
            i = i-1
window.attachEvent&#40;"onload", correctPNG&#41;;
 body &#123; margin&#58;0; overflow&#58;hidden; &#125;
 #bg &#123; position&#58;absolute; top&#58;0px; left&#58;0px; z-index&#58;1; &#125;
 .icon &#123; position&#58;absolute; border&#58;0; z-index&#58;5; &#125;
<a href="C&#58;\Games\scummbat\simon1.bat"><img class="icon" src="mainscreen/scummvm/simon1-title.png" width="140" style="left&#58;600px; top&#58;10px;"></a>
<a href="C&#58;\Games\scummbat\simon2.bat"><img class="icon" src="mainscreen/scummvm/simon2-title.png" width="140" style="left&#58;600px; top&#58;162px;"></a>
<a href="C&#58;\Games\scummbat\sword1.bat"><img class="icon" src="mainscreen/scummvm/broken1-title.png" width="140" style="left&#58;600px; top&#58;392px;"></a>
<a href="C&#58;\Games\scummbat\sword2.bat"><img class="icon" src="mainscreen/scummvm/broken2-title.png" width="140" style="left&#58;600px; top&#58;509px;"></a>

<a href="C&#58;\Games\scummbat\maniac.bat"><img class="icon" src="mainscreen/scummvm/maniac1-title.png" width="140" style="left&#58;765px; top&#58;10px;"></a>
<a href="C&#58;\Games\scummbat\dott.bat"><img class="icon" src="mainscreen/scummvm/maniac2-dott-title.png" width="140" style="left&#58;765px; top&#58;141px;"></a>
<a href="C&#58;\Games\scummbat\steelsky.bat"><img class="icon" src="mainscreen/scummvm/bass-title.png" width="140" style="left&#58;776px; top&#58;360px;"></a>

<a href="C&#58;\Games\scummbat\loom.bat"><img class="icon" src="mainscreen/scummvm/loom-title.png" width="140" style="left&#58;930px; top&#58;10px;"></a>
<a href="C&#58;\Games\scummbat\indy3.bat"><img class="icon" src="mainscreen/scummvm/indy3-title.png" width="140" style="left&#58;930px; top&#58;127px;"></a>
<a href="C&#58;\Games\scummbat\atlantis.bat"><img class="icon" src="mainscreen/scummvm/indy4-title.png" width="140" style="left&#58;930px; top&#58;290px;"></a>
<a href="C&#58;\Games\scummbat\ft.bat"><img class="icon" src="mainscreen/scummvm/throttle-title.png" width="140" style="left&#58;930px; top&#58;448px;"></a>
<a href="C&#58;\Games\scummbat\queen.bat"><img class="icon" src="mainscreen/scummvm/fotaq-title.png" width="140" style="left&#58;930px; top&#58;606px;"></a>

<a href="C&#58;\Games\scummbat\monkey.bat"><img class="icon" src="mainscreen/scummvm/monkey1-title.png" width="140" style="left&#58;1100px; top&#58;10px;"></a>
<a href="C&#58;\Games\scummbat\monkey2.bat"><img class="icon" src="mainscreen/scummvm/monkey2-title.png" width="140" style="left&#58;1100px; top&#58;189px;"></a>
<a href="C&#58;\Games\scummbat\monkey3.bat"><img class="icon" src="mainscreen/scummvm/monkey3-title.png" width="140" style="left&#58;1100px; top&#58;344px;"></a>
<a href="C&#58;\Games\scummbat\samnmax.bat"><img class="icon" src="mainscreen/scummvm/samnmax-title.png" width="180" style="left&#58;1080px; top&#58;513px;"></a>
<a href="C&#58;\Games\scummbat\dig.bat"><img class="icon" src="mainscreen/scummvm/dig-title.png" widht="140" style="left&#58;1100px; top&#58;700px;"></a>
<img id="bg" src="scaled_backintohell.jpg" width="100%" height="100%"></body></html>
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Post by thanius »

Meringues wrote:I'll convert the rest of the images into icons tomorrow, also, thanius, I could make a few icons for you to take some of the stress off if you like? lol
Great, just say the word (through e-mail) and I'll put them up on the site.
About helping out, would be great! Just be sure to pick out the artwork with highest resolution since they'll be kinda blurry when resampled. Also, remember the alpha transparency - and to be creative! :D

I'm currently working on some non-SCUMM games, if you'd like you could start poking at some AGI-games?
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Post by clarkey »

[quote=" [/quote]
2. Enter name and command, i.e. "Monkey Island" and "/usr/bin/scummvm -game monkey1" and choose the icon
Can some one explain to me how i go about doing this. What is the file i need to create to allow scummvm to be loaded with a game already in place. I am using ubuntu 7.04.

I would have checked the scummvm readme but it seems to be down at the moment.

Thanks in advance.

PS Cheers for the icons they are excellent 8)
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Post by thanius »

clarkey wrote:Can some one explain to me how i go about doing this. What is the file i need to create to allow scummvm to be loaded with a game already in place. I am using ubuntu 7.04.
Well, you don't need any file to start the game; just a command. scummvm [GAMETAG] should do it. I.e., Indiana Jones and The Fate of Atlantis would start with:

Code: Select all

/PATH/TO/scummvm atlantis
It's as simple as that! To see what tags the games have, try

Code: Select all

/PATH/TO/scummvm -z
Just put it in a starter/shortcut in your favorite desktop manager. In Gnome 2, just rightclick on the desktop and choose 'Create starter' and enter the appropriate stuff (Name, command, comment, choose icon and save)
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Post by clarkey »

Ok cheers i think i was over complicating things :P. just got it to work with /scummvm monkey.

Cheers again for the icons there excellent.
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HEY, SPACETROLL (Roger Wilco?)

Post by thanius »

spacetroll wrote:Terrific icons! The only game in my ScummVM collection missing from the pack is The Black Cauldron... consider this a humble request! Again, great work.
Spacetroll, I've made the Black Cauldron icon you wanted. As we say in Sweden, hope it tastes good for ya! ;)
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Post by spacetroll »

As we say in the US: Looks (expletive) awesome! :wink:
Thanks, thanius, great work as usual. And yay, now my collection is complete!
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To boldly go where no cleaner gone before

Post by thanius »

Anyone fancy Space Quest 1 and 2? There's some icons for ya!
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Who dah man?

Post by thanius »

Just whipped up an alternative icon for Space Quest, from the Atari version. Nice.
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Post by clarkey »

At present i dont think there is a way to get MI4 to work in linux but could you make an icon so there is a complete set just incase there is a way. Would be much appreciated.

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Monkey 4 on Linux

Post by thanius »

Well, I think there's a way; it's called Cedega - a Direct3D-fork of Wine. Seems to work fine in Linux. I'll see what I can do.
Perhaps I'll do a Grim Fandango icon for when GrimE is stable? Perhaps Monkey 4 will be supported later on as well.
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Post by clarkey »

Cheers that would be great i wish i had you art skills they really do look good in gnome.
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Re: Monkey 4 on Linux

Post by gord »

thanius wrote:Well, I think there's a way; it's called Cedega - a Direct3D-fork of Wine. Seems to work fine in Linux. I'll see what I can do.
Perhaps I'll do a Grim Fandango icon for when GrimE is stable? Perhaps Monkey 4 will be supported later on as well.
escape from monkey island works *fine* in WINE (http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=289) please don't use cedega if possible, they essentially stole the wine source code for their own profit before it got licenced under the gpl
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Post by thanius »

Grab Wine instead - it's free (in both terms)!

In other news, as requested; an Escape From Monkey Island icon as well as Grim Fandango - so now I'm complete with one interprenter at least! :)
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