ITE Amiga Music

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Post by Raziel »

glidem wrote:Hi

I have been taking a break after the Simon the Sorcerer release to see how the community as a whole reacted to it. On the most part it was very positive, however of course you can't please everyone and there were some very nasty comments posted on other forums. With this in mind, I decided to have a break from it all and release the ITE soundtrack later than originally planned.

I will release the ITE soundtrack soon though, however I am not 100% happy with the collection yet so will probably patch it at a later date as well if I do release in the next few weeks.

Please don't be discouraged, there will always be bored people bitching over other peoples achivements

I like the effort you put on the Simon tracks and looking forward to the others, please keep on
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Post by md5 »

@Kaminari: very interesting indeed. The Amiga music of ITE is quite different than the PC version. However, Eugene has already answered you on this

@glidem: I really liked your work on Simon the Sorcerer :) . You can talk to sev or me to adding support for your work (i.e. external audio tracks) in ITE
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Post by sev »

Kaminari wrote:Indeed, that makes quite a lot of work for just an alternative soundtrack. But I'm curious about MaxTrax. Are you saying the ECS floppy version uses this format? Because, as far as I can tell, the CD32 music files are plain ProTracker MODs.
You are right. That's just my bad memory. According to my own words MaxTrax is used in Amiga version of Kyrandia. ITE uses plain ProTracker.

What I see on Amiga ITE CD that all modules also placed in demo/audio directory along with demos. I suppose those are free to redistribute (being demos). Perhaps I need to clarify it with Wyrmkeep Inc.

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