For those who remember the good old days of point and click
adventures would surely have heard of Gabriel Knight. One of the best written and most involving adventure games ever created, when will this masterpiece of digital media be compatable with ScummVM :wink:
Gabriel Knight - Best ever game?
Moderator: ScummVM Team
and the point of your post being...?
Forum Rule 1; Forum Rule 1a.
FAQ 2.3:
(also, why post in "General Discussion"?) (Description of "Junkyard" forum: "If you're curious about whether we will support a game, post HERE not in General Discussion")
Forum Rule 1; Forum Rule 1a.
FAQ 2.3:
(also, why post in "General Discussion"?) (Description of "Junkyard" forum: "If you're curious about whether we will support a game, post HERE not in General Discussion")
yes, but the initial question "when will this masterpiece of digital media be compatable with <engine re-implementation>" is better directed at the FreeSCI peopleCollector wrote:The game's not playable with FreeSCI.md5 wrote:Moved to the junkyard
Gabriel Knight is an SCI game, refer to FreeSCI for it
not at allPsYcO wrote:clem you seem quite hostile towards freeSCI
sure will!PsYcO wrote: do you want to talk about it?:P
"GabrielKnight" wants to know if ScummVM will support GK (which is pretty much out of scope currently)
md5 brings up FreeSCI
Collector says it's not playable in FreeSCI
I answer to that that the question still is best directed at the FreeSCI people though (afterall it is an SCI game), even if it's not playable
your turn - explain where the hostility towards FreeSCI is in this thought process.
If anyone is curious, there is a great XP Installer for GK. I used it a few months back and had a perfect running copy of GK going. There is one for GK2 as well. If you don't run XP, then it also runs just fine in dosbox.
And if that doesn't float your boat, I believe vdmsound works as well.... so there is no shortage of options here - although the installer would be by far the most recommended one.
And if that doesn't float your boat, I believe vdmsound works as well.... so there is no shortage of options here - although the installer would be by far the most recommended one.