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Post by PsYcO »

Kaminari wrote:Just curious: will the heavily-censored French and German versions be eventually supported?
how is it censored?
SimSaw wrote:I heard that in the French and German the final puzzle can't be solved. Does that mean that we can't win the game or just not "logically" solve it and win anyway or maybe this last puzzle is not required at all? Would be a bit silly to localise a game without the player being able to win it.
explain logically, do you meen the version is broken in some way?
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Post by SimSaw »

The game is censored, I don't think it can be called broken. They have taken out Nimdock because he's a nazi character.
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Post by joostp »

SimSaw wrote:Would be a bit silly to localise a game without the player being able to win it.
I don't know - in this case it fits nicely with the general theme of the game. :)
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Post by Mr. E »

md5 wrote:Updated the data files in that page for the full version

Please excuse me if my post is naive, but I am not a programmer or anything like that, I'm just a gamer.

I have this game. It runs on DOSBox, but ScummVM works so much better than DOSBox (better picture and MUCH better sound on every game that runs on both emulators) and I would like to play it on ScummVM.

I have every file on the list for the full version but I still get the "ScummVM could not find any game in the specified directory!" notice when I try and add the game.

Of course, I also have a bunch of other files in the directory which aren't on the list...

- SCREAM.BAT (which is the file which starts the game on DOSBox)

- Drivers folder (containing 36 files).

I'm sure most, if not all of those files are required to run the game, but I removed every file not on your list just for the hell of it, and tried to add the game again...same results.

So can someone please tell me what I need to do to get the game to run on ScummVM? --BTW, I have a Mac and am running the Mac version of ScummVM.

Thanks very much and again...I apologize if my post is dumb or naive.
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Post by md5 »

That's strange. Can you list the files you got in your version?
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Post by Collector »

Are you using the subversion build?
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Post by Mr. E »

Hello again,

Thanks for replying. :)

Besides all the files on your list (which my files match letter for letter), the folder/directory also contains the 6 files I mentioned in my previous post as well as the drivers folder. Here is the contents of that folder...

- MPU401.MDI
- SB16.DIG

Ummm...I'm sorry, but I don't know what the subversion build is. Is that a version of the game or of ScummVM? I did see something on the forum about using a "daily build" of ScummVM, but I looked on your downloads page and didn't see anything about a daily build (at least not for OSX). If I need a special version...do you think you could post a link to it in this topic please? It would really help me out as I'm not very "techie".

Thanks a lot! :)
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Post by Raziel »

Mr. E wrote:
md5 wrote:Updated the data files in that page for the full version
- SCREAM.BAT (which is the file which starts the game on DOSBox)
Could you also post the size of these 6 files?

Seems to me the data files are either in the .exe or in that .fjk file, probably crunched
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Post by sev »

Mr. E wrote:I'm sorry, but I don't know what the subversion build is. Is that a version of the game or of ScummVM? I did see something on the forum about using a "daily build" of ScummVM, but I looked on your downloads page and didn't see anything about a daily build (at least not for OSX).
Yes, that's the reason why the game does not work. You need a daily build. We do not have those for MacOS X, so you could ask someone to build one for you. Fingolfin perhaps?

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Post by Mr. E »

Thanks a lot sev. Too bad that your answer is a bit of a let down for me.

I would sure love to get an OSX daily build version that I could play the game on, but I don't feel right about asking anyone to do any work just on my account. I'm not anybody important or anything.

I guess I'll just stick to DOSBox for now and hope that you guys will come out with an "official" version that the game will play on OSX on fairly soon. I'll keep a close eye on the site for any news on that.

Thanks a lot to everybody for the replies (and quick replies at that)! I appreciate it a lot. :)
Last edited by Mr. E on Sat Nov 24, 2007 9:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by sev »

Mr. E wrote:I don't feel right about asking anyone to do any work just on my account. I'm not anybody important or anything.
Well, just come to #scummvm and talk to vinterstum or Fingolfin there. I bet once one of them will be avilable they will provide you with the build. It's not that difficult to produce for both of them.

edit: I just was pointed out that there are daily MacOS X builds on our page. Just go there and find them at the bottom of the page in "Subversion builds" section.

Last edited by sev on Sat Nov 24, 2007 9:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mr. E »

Ok. If you say it's not too much trouble...I'll do that. Thanks again!
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Post by Mr. E »

Hey sev,

I just saw your post edit and DLed the PPC subversion build. It works! Great picture, terrific sound. The game runs perfectly!

I was looking on the page for "Daily Builds" and not "Subversion Builds" so that's why I missed it before.

But it's all good now...many, many thanks for helping me out!!!

~Aloha from Hawaii! :)
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