Mouse-over and UIQ - a solution

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Mouse-over and UIQ - a solution

Post by Noelemahc »

Chugging through Monkey Island 2, I've come across my favourite part - the obligatory "I can hold my breath for 10 minutes scene". You got it, right before Mr. Brush takes a dip, we have to tell Captain Kate where to drop anchor so that we can get below water.

Normally, you'll have written down the correct coordinates from the corresponding book, moused over the map until these coordinates show up and clicked. But Symbian UIQ, dangnabbit, by way of the SDL control backend, doesn't understand the concept of mouse-overing anything at all, so we have either the option of right click or left click.

Well, if you left click, you have to do it blindly, right? But if you right click... Apparently, SDL does allow us to mouse stuff over if we flip the stylus to right click mode and just tap and drag. And best of all? Works not only in the map scene. It can now improve your pixel-hunting prowess in any game ScummVM supports - which is important to get into those pesky drop-down menus in GOB engine games, or in BaSS, or to find those small invisible objects like the light switch in MI2's endgame after Mr. Brush falls from his chest-laden hanging point.

This ain't a nice solution, but it's a working one. I'm pretty sure someone had figured this out before I did, but it's still useful, neh?

It still doesn't solve the Full Throttle Combat and the Goblins 3 Screen Scroll problems, but it does take care of the Goblins 3 Dropdown Menu and the aforementioned Pixel-Hunting With Mouse-Over problems. Which is good in itself, methinks.

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