GP2X post please?

Discussion about other and unofficial ports of ScummVM

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GP2X post please?

Post by bacteria »

I am looking forward to a GP2X port. Any ideas when this might happen please??
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Post by sev »

Yes, DJWillis looks towards it. Though he is not in the Team yet.

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Post by Ender »

GP2X should, theoretically, 'just work' if the normal SDL backend is cross-compiled. Since it runs Linux and all.

I don't know anyone who has one, but there should be very little work involved in at least a preliminary port as soon as someone does.

I'd love one myself, but I had to go the cheapest out of the latest handhelds - the NDS.
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Post by jg »

Here is DJWillis's project log for the GP32/2X port:

It looks like he recently recruited "Cup Of Tea", aka Steve, to get the development for the GP32 to go more smoothly. Apparently, the GP32 port is riddled with bugs and memory leaks. Not sure why, maybe he's trying to code against the hardware.

As for a GP2X port, there seems to be only a few GP2X dev kits out there, so very little work has been done for the GP2X so far. However, has recently shipped hundreds of actual GP2Xs (as you probably already know), so ScummVM for GP2X is seeming more and more inevitable. It runs Linux and has a significant amount of processing power, so hopefully we're just a straightforward SDL/Linux port (with some input tweaks) away from playing our favourite classics on it. :)
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Post by bacteria »

It is pleasing to see that a port is (hopefully) being worked on.

I am one of the lucky ones with a GP2X at the moment, :lol: although it is a bit of a brick without much to do on it at the moment (and hardware bugs until firmware releases arrive). :cry:

Yes, the GP2X seems powerful, that is apparant with the short battery life!!

I am really looking forward to playing a stable version of ScummVM on the GP2X, and my old games on it.
John the adventurer
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Post by John the adventurer » ... 23231&st=0
prodo wrote: NK released ScummVM-kor 0.4.2cvs, 0.4.1D for GP2X.

Get it HERE!!

This is ported from scummvm-kor and dumb version in

Dumb is for modified korean editon of monkey island 1,2.

thx NK for amazing job!!! :D

source :
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Post by sev »

I wonder what Won Star will tell about it. He is the guy behind scummkor and recently he joined our team and brought his GP32 port with him. So next ScummVM release will have full-featured GP32 port officially. I hope same thing will happen with GP2X. Hey DJWillis! :wink:

John the adventurer
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Post by John the adventurer »

What said Won Star? It's very interesting an official port instead unofficial that soon can be unmainatined or older versions...
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An update (of sorts)

Post by DJWillis »

I guess it makes sense to post here ;).

As for the GP2X, simple ports using the basic SDL backend exist and are out and in the wild. I did one (based on 0.8.0) as did one of the Korean dev (NK) (based on ScummVMkr). The suffer a number of problems due to a poor implementation of SDL (and Linux for that matter but lets not go there).

The main problem is SDL on the GP2X is slow as molasses and I have been working with others to resolve those issues 1st before putting a lot of effort into ScummVM (I also look after the Open2x project that is about optimising both the Linux kernel and libraries for the GP2X and ensuing the makers of the GP2X don’t forget there GPL obligations (again)).

A result of this is that the GP2X SDL is now based on SDL 1.2.9 (was 1.2.7) and supports limited hardware scaling and blitting on the GP2X, once this is a little more debugged and improved I can see ScummVM benefiting greatly.

There are some parts of ScummVM that still are really too slow when using the SDL backend on the GP2X so I have started working on a custom backend that just overloads SDL when it needs to and falls back to it when it does not. This may take a while and I am trying to keep anything I am doing in that area in keeping with the small devices backend ideas in the WiKi

As for coping and pasting comments from my site about GP32 port, you may want to look at the dates of posts, that is fairly ancient stuff. I did a lot of hacking about with the GP32 backend and actively hacked on it until about 0.7ish (when I asked for help), Won Star has done some much needed refactoring (well rewriting big chunks) on the port and his refactoring is now in CVS (and hence he is the official port maintainer). With Won Start working on the port it looks to be in a better state then it ever was with me hacking on it ;). I have a few patches to do with GDB debug support but that is about it for the GP32 port from me. I’ll just continue hacking on the GP2X and see how I get on :D.
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