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Subforum for discussion and help with ScummVM's iPhone port

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Post by sev »

abritinthebay wrote:The problem with branding on a UI is that a UI is supposed to be just that... not a brand.
What made you think so? Our brand comes from the website. The GUI is designed after that.

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Post by md5 »

Also, it will be hard to have more than one interface, cause they will all have to stay up to date, unless someone is up to the task of maintaining a separate UI, which I doubt
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Post by abritinthebay »

sev wrote:What made you think so? Our brand comes from the website. The GUI is designed after that.
6 years of UI design experience ;)

A brand has nothing to do directly with the UI. It might influence choices, but it shouldn't lead them.

Take a look at the MS Office suite. Their brand has nothing to do with their UI, though recently they have both evolved. They are still distinct, and this enables enhancements to them both to happen for the good of each.

I could go on, but I won't. Suffice to say - While the brand is important, it is a separate thing to the UI. Treating them as one and the same is just wrong. That was my point.
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Post by abritinthebay »

md5 wrote:Also, it will be hard to have more than one interface, cause they will all have to stay up to date, unless someone is up to the task of maintaining a separate UI, which I doubt
Well that depends on exactly what the UI is - if it's just a new skin for the iPhone then the maintaining should be very minor. (which reminds me - I need to do the scroll bars on mine and then post it).

A Native iPhone launcher again... not that much once you've built it. After all - unless the command line options change for the games, there's really much to update once you have it bug free (or as close as). The main problem with that is writing it ;)
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Post by Morganoure »

Thanks for a great port, it's so cool to see those games on the iPhone!

The launcher is why I've been coming to the forums though :D
Took me probably about 5-10 minutes to navigate to the game folder on the iPhone, since the current one is just not really well suited to big thumbs I guess ;)

I bought my iPhone for coding software for it, and I was immediately tempted to create a native launcher (already wrote an automatic game detection/launcher thing for my own use some time ago, just for the fun of it). I just wish I hadn't about a dozen other important things to deal with this year *g*

I'll brainstorm my thoughts about it here though of what would be needed...
  • Learn Objective-C - easy
  • Learn enough about the Cocoa framework - easy to medium
  • Write the class that manages the game overview file contents and launching for MacOSX desktop - easy again
  • Learn enough about UIKit (the iPhones UI framework) to wrap a stylish menu around the former class - the only part that takes more than a day I guess
  • The most basic UI would be just a launcher (and maybe auto-detector), since that's the daily gaming usage, leaving all the other config stuff to the main UI, in which case it would really just be a list object and a launch...
Might be I'll be back for it when I've finished the project I got the iPhone for ;)
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Post by bobablob »

Might want to check with NerveGas and see if he'll lend you the code for his GUI.
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Post by rotane »

re: coverflow

Erica Sadun of TUAW fame just released a proof of concept app that builds on coverflow; so it IS doable! So having a game browser like that could actually work.

Read the story here:
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