Serious problem with Mac OS X

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Serious problem with Mac OS X

Post by Littlebuddy »

See, i've got two problems:

1. I cant get 0.10 to work. When i turn it on it doesnt even start, i've tried doubleklicking and i've tried rightclicking then pressing "open" but there must be something else.

2. My 0.7.4 version can only be used on my parents account, but it cant be used on mine. When i turn it on, a message pops up saying that it has crashed. When im trying to open it again, theres no games and when i add a game then restart the program, its not there anymore.

I use a Mac OS X version 10.4.11, the processor is 2 Ghz PowerPC G5 and my memory is 512 MB DDR SDRAM.

Appreciated if i can get an answer quickly.
Thank you!
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Post by fingolfin »

Sounds as if something is seriously wrong with your system. Try starting -- does it log any error messages from ScummVM?
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Post by Littlebuddy »

I found this:
-0612) failed!
Could not initialize SDL: sem_open(/SDL_sem-203-0613) failed!
Could not initialize SDL: sem_open(/SDL_sem-203-0614) failed!
Could not initialize SDL: sem_open(/SDL_sem-203-0615) failed!

And it goes on until:

Could not initialize SDL: sem_open(/SDL_sem-203-2687) failed!
Could not initialize SDL: sem_open(/SDL_sem-203-2688) failed!
Dec 19 12:16:33 Datorn-2 crashdump[204]: scummvm crashed
Dec 19 12:16:34 Datorn-2 crashdump[204]: crash report written to: /Users/Olle/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/scummvm.crash.log
WARNING: Unable to open configuration file: Library/Preferences/ScummVM Preferences!

Is it to any help?
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Post by eriktorbjorn »

Littlebuddy wrote: Could not initialize SDL: sem_open(/SDL_sem-203-0613) failed!
It seems to come from this part of SDL: src/thread/linux/SDL_syssem.c

Code: Select all

		static int semnum = 0;
		char name[32];

		SDL_snprintf(name, SDL_arraysize(name), "/SDL_sem-%d-%4.4d", getpid(), semnum++);
		sem->sem = sem_open(name, O_CREAT, 0600, initial_value);
		if ( sem->sem == (sem_t *)SEM_FAILED ) {
			SDL_SetError("sem_open(%s) failed", name);
			sem = NULL;
		} else {
		if &#40; sem_init&#40;&sem->sem_data, 0, initial_value&#41; < 0 &#41; &#123;
			SDL_SetError&#40;"sem_init&#40;&#41; failed"&#41;;
			sem = NULL;
		&#125; else &#123;
			sem->sem = &sem->sem_data;
But unless I'm mistaken, that file was removed from SDL almost two years ago. Is there a newer version that you could try?
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Post by fingolfin »

Please file a bug report for this. Make sure to attach (meaning: attach as a *file*, not by copy & pasting) the file scummvm.crash.log mentioned in the Console log you pasted. It should contain further information which might tell us why this is failing on your system.
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