BASS: remake of the musical score

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Re: Factory

Post by olki »

JoeysAudioChip wrote: ... H6GB245CPA

Opinions greatly appreciated. :)
Nice stuff mate! Although this is an entirely new composition based on the original melody rather than a remix. So I doubt this would ever make it as the "official" remake. I would still like to hear more compositions from you. Well done!

Off to catch a plane now.
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Re: Factory

Post by eriktorbjorn »

olki wrote:Nice stuff mate! Although this is an entirely new composition based on the original melody rather than a remix.
New composition? Sounds pretty close to the original pipe factory music to me. I like that the drums are not as over-bearing in this version as they are when I play the original on my sound card.
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Post by JamesWoodcock »

Sounds really good to me.
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Post by JoeysAudioChip »

Thanks very much for the replies.

Sorry about the short post earlier I was in a bit of a rush.

First of all, I really don't mean to 'step on anyones toes' in undertaking this project and obviously full credit must go to edweird for kicking this whole remix thing off. (I really like the Bass1 mp3 you posted edweird, very nice.)

I'm currently in my second year of a sound engineering degree and working on a project like this would really help in contributing to my sound for multimedia module.

I remember BASS from back in the Amiga days, if memory serves I didn't get to play it much though as the bloody thing came on some insane amount of floppy disks! (Just like Monkey Island 2) those Amiga floppies weren't exactly known for their robustness :(

It's only recently I came across the wonderful ScummVM. On went BASS straight away and I haven't looked back since! ;)

If anyone's interested, here's another short sample of what I've been up to. It's the Intro track this time. Again, the levels need sorting and it's still a work in progress thing. Hope you like. ... NS4E0UCBN9

I'm working in much the same way as edweird explained earlier. Using the MIDI tracks as a guide (big thanks to lavosspawn for that!) and rearranging for the various instruments. The Intro track is probably going to need the most work. There's a channel in there containing a hell of a lot of string data, so I'm working on breaking that down and arranging it for Cello, Viola, Violin etc. rather than spreading them all across the one instrument (as is the case with the original MIDI file.) The velocity control data across each individual track also needs some attention, to make it sound a bit more 'humanised' and less like a machine gun. :)
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Post by JamesWoodcock »

Just out of interest, what equipment do you use?
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Post by lavosspawn »

Awesome work! :)
I'd love to see the game with a soundtrack like this. :)
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Post by JoeysAudioChip »

Thanks lavvospawn :)

As for equipment, on the software side of things I'm using Cubase SX with a raft of VSTi's.

Like edweird, I've also got access to a full on ProTools studio as well as a full Cubase SX studio at college. I'm hoping to use the studio facilities for final mastering.

Glad you like the tracks. ;)
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Post by olki »

lavosspawn wrote:Awesome work! :)
I'd love to see the game with a soundtrack like this. :)
Same here. I would really like to see a full soundtrack if you have the time to do it.
Well done!
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Post by JoeysAudioChip »

Cheers olki.

The plan is to get a full soundtrack out, not in college till january now so I'll have a lot of time to work on the soundtrack and unless something major crops up I should hopefully achieve this.

Just out of interest (excuse my ignorance with regards to the coding side of things) would it be easy to implement a new soundtrack in BASS? Someone touched on the subject earlier. Would a seperate version of BASS need to be compiled and would the OGG and MP3 libraries support specific looping etc.?

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Post by lavosspawn »

Support for mp3/ogg would be quite easy to implement. Looping won't be a problem either
What do you mean by seperate BASS version? The .DSK / .DNR wouldn't need to be changed, if that's what you mean.
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Post by JoeysAudioChip »

I see, so scummvm could be configured to play the new mp3/ogg files if they're present and if not play the original music?.

With regards to progress I decided I should get the Jazz tracks out of the way, I'll have to do them eventually and now's a good a time as any ;)

The jazz tracks are quite complex, more than I thought they'd be. I know I'm supposed to be keeping the tracks as true to the originals as possible, but I've used a bit of improvisation too which I hope won't be a problem.

When I listened to 'As Cool as You' via ScummVM with the MT-32 emulator instead of a piano part there was a definite electric piano in it's place, so I've experimented with a Rhodes-type piano and really hammered home the cheesy/tacky nature of the song.

Being a drummer myself, I've also tweaked the drums slightly as there were a few parts in the MIDI file that were basically humanly impossible for a 2 armed drummer to play!.

Also, I've added a saxophone solo. As this will be the 'jukebox' version, I figured the band might have recorded it before the unfortunate OD'ing of their saxophonist ;)

For the 'live' version that's played the first time you enter the club, I'll replace the Rhodes with a piano to better match what's on screen. Obviously I'll remove the saxophone too.

Here's a work-in-progress, I've basically just exported this straight from cubase to post here. ... 8DHLQSDHL8
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Post by joostp »

JoeysAudioChip, I just wanted to say I also really liked the other tunes you did, but this new one is just amazing (for a WIP, anyway), I love the saxophone bit!

Keep up the excellent work! and I'm looking forward to your (and edweird's) next track! :cool:
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Post by JoeysAudioChip »

Joostp, thank you. I'm quite happy with the saxophone myself. I just stripped the melody line from the piano and put in a sax to play that part while the piano plays the chords over the top...hey presto, instant sax solo. I realise It's pure cheese but that's the idea :)
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Post by John the adventurer »

Very nice idea!

What about some section for uploading those music instead yousendit thingies? A ftp or even uploading files in forum.

Personally, I think "music remixing" needs it's own section in the forum ;)

I'm a lossless obssesive person, what about a lossless audio format (flac, monkey audio, shorten...) instead lossy (mp3, ogg)? And what about a sample-based format instead a compressed file with all mixed? Just asking :)
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Post by JamesWoodcock »

Hmmmm lossless hey.....

Far bigger files and if ever ScummVM were going to offer such hosting, bandwidth is an issue. Lossless would severely dint into that storage and speed so ogg or mp3 will be fine I would imagine.

*.ogg at quality 4-5 gives a very good compression and quality so I am sure even you will be satisfied with the results :wink:

Audio/Music enhancement certainly seems something that a lot of people are interested in and I have been working on the music side for months now on quite a few titles seeing how best to restore and enhance, however the developers of ScummVM have some important decisions to make and permissions to obtain before we get to the point where we can enjoy a new enhanced audio experience. You have to respect the fact that ScummVM although incredibly important to play a lof ot the classic point and click adventure games, however on the odd occasion, have had legal challenges so they have to tread carefully, although I think I am seeing more of a positive response now they know what ScummVM and its developers are about.

I am sure we will get a board for audio/music enhancement, but until it is 'officially' supported there is little need.

Good luck everyone with the enhancements, the future looks bright for ScummVM :)
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