ScummVM on a Nokia 6300?

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ScummVM on a Nokia 6300?

Post by LazyD »

May well be a stupid question but I'm a stupid man, so?

I mean, it looks like you guys are putting scummvm on all sorts of crazy consoles and contraptions so I thought I'd try my luck. The phone does Java games and stuff.

Maybe I should concentrate on getting Broken Sword 1 and 2 to work on the flippin pc first!

By the way, I did search but alas came to no avail.
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Post by clem »

wikipedia says:
Platform/OS: BB5 / Nokia Series 40, 3rd Edition, Feature Pack 2

doesn't look like ScummVM will run on that
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Post by LazyD »

Ahhh nuts, oh well.

In that case, any Idea why I can't get Broken Sword 1 to work on my pc's? I can try to do the install but it when it says insert cd 2 and press any key, I do so but then it doesn't work, just stays there.

Also, scumm vm can get it running when I point to the folder but the voice dialog does not work, the sound works fine in the cutscenes (which I've download from here) but no voice in game, only text, the text is there even when I specify no text in the options, hmmm ?
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Post by eriktorbjorn »

LazyD wrote: In that case, any Idea why I can't get Broken Sword 1 to work on my pc's? I can try to do the install but it when it says insert cd 2 and press any key, I do so but then it doesn't work, just stays there.
As the README file says, CD swapping isn't supported. What you should do is to copy all the necessary files from the CDs to your hard disk.
LazyD wrote: Also, scumm vm can get it running when I point to the folder but the voice dialog does not work, the sound works fine in the cutscenes (which I've download from here) but no voice in game, only text, the text is there even when I specify no text in the options, hmmm ?
The speech for Broken Sword 1 is stored in files named speech.clu, one on each CD. When copying the files to hard disk, you'll have to rename them speech1.clu and speech2.clu so that ScummVM can tell them apart.
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Post by LazyD »

Thanks for your replies mate.

Yeah I've done all that, copied both cd's to one folder, copied the contents of any folders that had the same name into one folder of that name, renamed any files with the same name with the convention of x1.clu, x2.clu etc.Still no speech.

Thing is, now my original broken sword 1 cd's won't even work! It's throwing some error when I put cd 1 into the computer, some memory error, the cd is not scratched, cd2 lets me browse through the contents fine though.
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Post by LazyD »

Fixed it, works fine now.

Must have messed something up when I was copying files off the cd's, started again and put everything where it needs to be and it works now.
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