the link might become broken after a while, i think:-/
but this could meen LA might take a new direction, yippie!

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The LEGO novelty or the Star Wars novelty? (yes, I'm trying as hard as I can not to laugh at this phrase)luigihann wrote:The Lego Star Wars games are pretty clever and fun; although the fact that they're continuing to use the formula worries me, because the novelty is wearing off.
Unfortunately, the fan base for Star Wars action games is probably much greater than the fan base for point-and-click adventures. "Jar-Jar's Midi-chlorian Mayhem (from the makers of Howard the Duck)" seems like a much more likely title.Noelemahc wrote: The only thing LA can do to save the SW brand as one worthy of good games is make a point-and-click adventure based on it, but we all know they not only can't, they won't even try to.
Mercenaries 2 is being published by EA. The first Mercenaries was published by LucasArts, but EA won the bid for the sequel. Pandemic studios developed both the original and the sequel.Noelemahc wrote:I can't say I'm not waiting for the oft-promised PC version of Mercenaries 2 (as I am, and so should you), it's just that the last in-house-developed game published by LucasArts was -- when exactly? They live off those royalties and exclusive publishing rights, I'm afraid.
RTX Red Rock, no? (I rather suspect that the resounding failure of that particular title did very little to encourage the development of other original titles.)Noelemahc wrote:I can't say I'm not waiting for the oft-promised PC version of Mercenaries 2 (as I am, and so should you), it's just that the last in-house-developed game published by LucasArts was -- when exactly? They live off those royalties and exclusive publishing rights, I'm afraid.