hello guys. How can I use the F10 key for adeventuresoft simon games. I tried searching the forum but i can't find a topic about it. I hope someone can answer. And thanks in advance
md5 wrote:What functionality does the F10 key offer in adventuresoft games? (can't remember it off the top of my head)
It shows where all the hotspots are. It was a feature in the original Simon the Sorcerer 2 interpreter, but ScummVM supports it for Simon the Sorcerer 1 as well, I believe.
Yes, that is it, the hot spot button. The previous version of scummVM in my psp (i forgot what version it is. If i remember it right it was dated july 2006 but i'm not sure) when i use the "#" from the on screen keyboard it shows the hotspot. Is it possible to use the F10 key with the latest version of scumm psp port?
You can't, up until now I didn't know the F10 key was used by any game.
Does using '#' no longer work? If not, might be nice if that mapping could be added back to the engine...
the "#" doesn't work anymore. I don't have a backup of the old psp scumm port. So i can't tell you what version it is. I hope it can be remapped again. thanx