Feeble Files

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Post by the_butterfly_queen_uk »

I've just been trying to convert Get Car.smk and this message appeared:

--mp3 encode to MP3 format (default)
--vorbis encode to Vorbis format
--flac encode to Flac format
(If one of these is specified, it must be the first parameter.)

MP3 mode params:
-b <rate> <rate> is the target bitrate(ABR)/minimal bitrate(VBR) (default:24
-B <rate> <rate> is the maximum VBR/ABR bitrate (default:64)
--vbr LAME uses the VBR mode (default)
--abr LAME uses the ABR mode
-V <value> specifies the value (0 - 9) of VBR quality (0=best) (default:4)
-q <value> specifies the MPEG algorithm quality (0-9; 0=best) (default:2)
--silent the output of LAME is hidden (default:disabled)

Vorbis mode params:
-b <rate> <rate> is the nominal bitrate (default:unset)
-m <rate> <rate> is the minimum bitrate (default:unset)
-M <rate> <rate> is the maximum bitrate (default:unset)
-q <value> specifies the value (0 - 10) of VBR quality (10=best) (default:3)
--silent the output of oggenc is hidden (default:disabled)

Flac mode params:
[params] optional arguments passed directly to the encoder
recommended is: --best -b 1152

--help this help message

If a parameter is not given the default value is used
If using VBR mode for MP3 -b and -B must be multiples of 8; the maximum is 160!
Use the `mac' option instead of a filename if converting simon2mac sounds

Could someone please help me?
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Post by md5 »

yes, "get car.smk" contains a space and it confuses the tool, rename it to something else first (e.g. "getcar.smk"), convert it and then rename the resulting files back to "get car.*"
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Post by the_butterfly_queen_uk »

Thanks :)
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Post by Storm »

*RE-EDIT* Nope, still confused...

I've followed the guide and am about to run the batch process, but the command line sev posted has me confused if I should. As I'm converting .smk to .png and .wav, do I need to change the command "for %i in (*.smk) do encode_dxa.exe --vorbis %~ni" to "for %i in (*.png/wav) do encode_dxa.exe --vorbis %~ni"?
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Post by eriktorbjorn »

Storm wrote:*RE-EDIT* Nope, still confused...

I've followed the guide and am about to run the batch process, but the command line sev posted has me confused if I should. As I'm converting .smk to .png and .wav, do I need to change the command "for %i in (*.smk) do encode_dxa.exe --vorbis %~ni" to "for %i in (*.png/wav) do encode_dxa.exe --vorbis %~ni"?
I'm not fluent in Windows scripting syntax, but *.smk sounds right to me. You want to run encode_dxa once for every movie file, not once for every frame.
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Post by Storm »

Ah, it appears to be a case of a lack of understanding my end. I was unsure as to what %~ni did, until I read sev's post several times over. Everything appears to be going fine so far, except for the fact that I can't find anything to do whilst I wait.
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Post by cheesus »

deadagain wrote:
Ad_Enuff wrote: In the case of the Feeble Files, the cutscene file conversion is simply way too much.
Is there a simpler way of doing it?
I used this script:
for %%i in (*.smk) do binkconv.exe %%i %%~ni.png /n-1 /z1 /#
for %%i in (*.smk) do binkconv.exe %%i %%~ni.wav /v /#
for %%i in (*.smk) do encode_dxa.exe --flac --best -b 1152 %%~ni

Substitute --flac --best -b 1152 with your own settings ofcourse...
Assumes binkconv.exe (& radutil.dll), encode_dxa.exe & your choice of encoder in the path.

Afterwards you can ofcourse delete *.png *.wav *.smk files.

Can I suggest putting these simple scripts in the readme?? It might help people when trying to convert the files...
sorry if im a noob but what do you mean with "substitute with your own settings", i mean how do i find out what my settings are or which settings do you mean??
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Post by clem »

cheesus wrote: sorry if im a noob but what do you mean with "substitute with your own settings", i mean how do i find out what my settings are or which settings do you mean??
The settings as they are presented will compress using flac - if you are fine with that, just leave them as they are.

If you know what you are doing and want to have the audio compressed using mp3 or ogg you will have to adjust the line - hence "own settings".
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Post by cheesus »

uh ok thx clem
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Post by glubschpudding »

hi there;
i guess i'm the next trying to get those damn feeble files to run. i did everything as in the tutorial described, i get a problem when trying to create the DXA file.


after that, the mp3 exists, the DXA is still missing..
thanks for help guise!
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Post by Urd »

i had the same problem. you have to type it with the extension:

encode_dxa angent32.smk

Or use the bat file within the tools, it saves countless clicking.

if you use this one, you only have to change the Folder within it so it fis to your folder-structure, and, if you want to use MP3 istead of vorbis this too.

Here my step by setp manual:
First of all download the Tools and install them.
the Readme of the tools says:

To ease your life we also provide batch files to autoconvert
all files. It should work with any game version.

1. Copy *.smk files from all CDs to some directory

2. Edit paths in convert_dxa.bat file.

3. Run the batch. If you set everything correct, it will be
almost unattended conversion, just for several files there
are no audio, and RAD Game Tools converter will ask you to
press OK
to 1: I reccomend to copy all *.smk into one *\smk folder and create another *\dmx folder, so you can see the progress, because it will take several Hours.

to 2: The original convert_dxa.bat says:
SET TOOLS_PATH=C:\Program files\ScummVM\tools
SET BINK_PATH=C:\Program Files\RADVideo
SET SMK_PATH=C:\games\feeble\smk
SET DXA_PATH=C:\games\feeble\dxa
wich is most probably wrong.
Edit this so it matches your folders (right-click "bearbeiten" sice you seem to have a german windows)

if you want *mp3 encoded audio: edit convert_dxa_one.bat
change the line:
"%TOOLS_PATH%\encode_dxa.exe" --vorbis "%~n1.smk"

"%TOOLS_PATH%\encode_dxa.exe" --mp3 "%~n1.smk"

don't forget to copy the lame.exe in the tools folder (i assume) i had an oggenc.exe in every folder to be safe.

This should work, at least it did with me.
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Post by glubschpudding »

hey there!
thanks for your help, i've come a little further :)
now, i have about 66.000 PNGs and several hundret WAVs. im using for %i in (*.smk) do encode_dxa.exe --vorbis %~ni now, and all it does is creating OGGs; with some failures. i thought i need DXAs, so why the hell is it creating OGGs?

C:\Programme\Floyd\SMK>for %i in (*.smk) do encode_dxa.exe --vorbis %~ni
C:\Programme\Floyd\SMK>encode_dxa.exe --vorbis agent32
Encoding audio...Opening with wav module: WAV file reader
Encoding "agent32.wav" to
at quality 3,00
[100,0%] [ 0m00s remaining] -

Done encoding file "agent32.ogg"

File length: 1m 13,0s
Elapsed time: 0m 02,0s
Rate: 36,7000
Average bitrate: 48,9 kb/s

readVideoInfo: Can't open file: agent32

C:\Programme\Floyd\SMK>encode_dxa.exe --vorbis Airlock
Encoding audio...Opening with wav module: WAV file reader
Encoding "Airlock.wav" to
at quality 3,00
[ 99,5%] [ 0m00s remaining] |

Done encoding file "Airlock.ogg"

File length: 0m 54,0s
Elapsed time: 0m 01,0s
Rate: 54,4000
Average bitrate: 50,8 kb/s

readVideoInfo: Can't open file: Airlock

C:\Programme\Floyd\SMK>encode_dxa.exe --vorbis Allcreds
Encoding audio...Opening with wav module: WAV file reader
Encoding "Allcreds.wav" to
at quality 3,00
[ 48,3%] [ 0m02s remaining] / ^C^C
thanks a lot so far!
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Post by Urd »

its the same error as before, he cant find the file, so it won't encode an video.

as I see it, it is because you forgot the *.smk extension, the command has to be do encode_dxa.exe --vorbis %~ni.smk
Without the extension it won't work.
I had the same Error while my first attemps.
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Post by glubschpudding »

yo, thats my thought exactly. i just didn't know how to change the dos command to getthe whole thing to work.

thanks a lot, it's producing dxas right now, but it is also throwing OGGs, is that ok? i thought scummvm needs mp3s..?

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Post by Longcat »

ScummVM supports mp3, ogg vorbis and flac, you can choose which you want to use by specifing parameters before conversion and installing the respective encoder. check the readme or look through this thread.
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