Beneath a Steel Sky Volume problems

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Beneath a Steel Sky Volume problems

Post by Mort »


I'm having an 'issue' with BASS. It basically comes down to the fact that there is no volume control for the speech.

Music volume can be set with the in-game slider, or using ScummVM's 'Edit Game' options. This is fine for my desktop machine; I just crank up the Music volume and then lower the overall system volume to the lowest it goes and jig it back when I'm done playing.

Though I have the Symbian port on my phone and this is where it becomes an issue. I can't lower the system volume on the phone, as ScummVM doesn't use a system volume setting. So I basically can only have the speech on 'super-mega-ultra-loud' setting, whilst being able to make the music quieten down to nothing.

It wouldn't be too bad, but the speech is so loud that it distorts (especially when Joey starts) and I'm worried about damaging both my phone speakers and also my ears.

I'm not sure if it comes under a ScummVM issue (can a speech volume be added to BASS?) or a Symbian port issue (can we have an 'overall volume' setting) but either way would make BASS playable for me.

I realise it's not a major issue, but looking around I think a few people have experienced it. And, as I said, it's only an issue on the phone, as there's a lot of workarounds on desktop machines.

So if there's anything hidden away that may let me reduce the overall output volume of ScummVM or any chance the 'speech volume' slider could be fixed for BASS in some way I don't know about I'd be grateful to hear of it? Otherwise is this classed as a 'bug' and, if so, is it one people are aware of or should I be telling someone?
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Re: Beneath a Steel Sky Volume problems

Post by eriktorbjorn »

I'm not overly familiar with the Beneath a Steel Sky engine, but it does have a separate function for playing speech, and it does tell ScummVM's mixer that this is speech, so I don't see why not.

I've added code -- one whole line of it :) -- to set the speech volume in the mixer, and judging by my very limited testing it appears to be working. I have no control over if/when new SVN builds are made, so I don't know when you'll be able to test it.
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Post by Mort »

Cheers for that! I shall look forward to when I can get a copy of it on my phone.

Until then, and after the Broken Sword fiasco, I shall promise that the next game I choose to play through - I won't find any audio problems with it. Promise...
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