Arnold from Fate of Atlantis/scripting fights from SCUMMVM

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Post by HackerJoe »

I have just punched the guard in the atlantis dungeon.
I cheated massively by resetting scummvar 322 (indy's hitpoints) a few times :)

Someone at Lucasarts must have thought it's winnable. You get congratulated by Sophia "Way to go, Indy" and receive one orichalcum bead from the unconscious guard...

Just thought to let you know,

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Post by SimSaw »

I also cheated (with a more comfortable method) several times. You don't get one orachicalcum bead every time. It depends on the random generator what you get from 0-3.

Who knows? Maybe there's really a fair way to win against him like in the case of Arnold? In earlier times when I didn't know this trick, I have wondered about if the game would crash if someone won against those guys or if there would even be animations for falling down. Anyway, now we all know there are.

I also tried your trick, but I needed to switch to English keyboard, because for typing [ I need to push the keys Alt right + 8 (not on the number pad of course) and for ] it is Alt right + 9. Instead I get switched to another graphic filter, but this should only happen when pressing Ctrl + Alt + 1-9, so maybe it should be fixed.

Anyway, you can set the value of scummvm_vars 322 very high, so even this wasn't sufficient (I have just tried with Biff on the beginning)?
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Post by HackerJoe »

Thanks for the info...

I set it to about 700 (I think about 200 is normal) if you overdo it, indy will drop dead on the spot :)
But I didn't use any tactics, just plain clobbering without guarding or ducking so I had to cheat repeatedly :P
I also have a german keyboard, but I usually run ScummVM with US-Keyboard Layout (otherwise the music volume can't be changed), so I didn't notice...
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Post by SimSaw »

I just checked: The standard value for this 322 variable is 300 and the highest you can get without coming into the red area is 5209724. This holds on for some seconds even in very fast mode for Arnold and Fritz. I think I'll be playing once more this game... :D
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Post by JohnnyWalker2001 »

Ooooooooh! This is very interesting! How cool of the programmers to have included lines and even a bonus if Indy beat the harder characters. Does getting those beads actually help with the game any?

Also, but important question: Do you get any IQ points for defeating them??

I always wondered what happened if you shot enough biplanes down in the original Last Crusade... but I've been told that not much happens :(
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Post by Pogo{ »

Sorry to bump this old thread, but i found this youtube video of some crazy guy actually beating Fritz without cheating. According to the info this feat took "2000 - 3000 tries" so i doubt anyone else will feel tempted to give it a shot even after seeing its possible :)
Mingy Jongo
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Post by Mingy Jongo »

There goes my hopes of getting 1000 IQ points without cheating. I can't even beat Arnold and completely forgot about that guy.
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Post by zorbid »

The same dude beat the sober Biff in the Last cursade, after 15.000 - 50.000 trials.

You don't earn IQ points though. Since you win some by defeating him once he's drunk, he concludes that the game designers thought he would be invincible (and so did I)...
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Post by Longcat »

Ceri Cat
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Post by Ceri Cat »

Hmm from memory you don't get IQ points for defeating Sophia's guard in Atlantis using your fists (the devs probably dropped that idea in favour of a standardized outcome to the encounter, hence why he has insane HP, anyone tried to sucker punch him though?). However the guard in the Labyrinth you usually crush is beatable. Please note I'm going off my memory of the official hint book that includes a table of IQ scores in the back. As I recall you got more IQ for crushing him anyway.
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