Help with Monkey Island 3

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Post by DirkDiggler »

Yes, I am sure!
I copied it many times from the cd to the resource folder in scummvm and the cds are brand new!
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Post by id1402 »

Originally posted by mone
Hey I've been having a problem with MI3, when it gets to the point where it swaps from disk 1 to disk 2 I get a message saying ERROR: (52:29:0xD44): Bundlemgr::open() Cannot open bundle file: musdisk2.bun
Originally posted by DirkDiggler
I bought Monkey Island 3, I tried to install it on my pc but it doesn't work so I found ScummVM, I copied the files from the cds and it work until the ERROR: (52:29:0xD44): Bundlemgr::open() Cannot open bundle file: musdisk2.bun
So, as I read here, I tried to copy the files one by one from the cds but doesn't work. It repeat again ERROR: (52:29:0xD44): Bundlemgr::open() Cannot open bundle file: musdisk2.bun
Why there always are reported problems concerning musdisk2.bun but never musdisk1.bun? Isn't it strange?
It's the same in this german ScummVM Forum:
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Post by eriktorbjorn »

DirkDiggler wrote:Yes, I am sure!
I copied it many times from the cd to the resource folder in scummvm and the cds are brand new!
Could you make a list of exactly which files and folders are in the folder you pointed ScummVM to when you added the game?
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Post by DirkDiggler »

In ScummVM folder I put the files COMI.LA0, COMI.LA1, COMI.LA2 then a folder named Resource where I put these files (I copied it one by one from the cds):


The game works until Guybrush left Plunder Island with the ship, then appear the error with the file musdisk2.bun
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Post by eriktorbjorn »

That looks like a complete list, so I don't know why it wouldn't work.

You have, I assume, double-checked that this is the folder ScummVM is using for the game? The only even remotely plausible theory I can come up with is that you have another folder somewhere, with only the files from the first CD, and that you used this when adding the game.

But even that seems pretty far-fetched...

(One simple way of testing it would be to rename the folder. If the game still starts at all, it's looking for - and finding - the files somewhere else.)
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Post by LogicDeLuxe »

I'm not sure, but could it be a problem when the Resource directory is mixed case? Try it all capitals like your files. Just an idea. This wouldn't explain, why it doesn't complain right at start, though.
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Post by DirkDiggler »

Yes! I rename the folder Resource in ScummVM and doesn't change nothing, so I search another folder named resource in the pc and there's one into LucasArts folder and it contains only the files from the first cd. I don't know why but Scummvm seems to take those files. When I finish to copy the other files in that folder I'll tell you if the game works, thanks!

The game now works! I don't know why but now I can play
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Post by Juniper »

I actually was able to play the game from the disk on my windows xp laptop.

I played it about a year and a half ago and it looked perfect, now though, I don't know why, the graphics just aren't as clear. They used to be perfectly crisp and now they look washed out.

I thought it was my resolution, so I tried everything my computer had, but nothing seemed to fix it. Is it possible that some windows update changed something on my laptop that makes the game look worse than it did a year ago?

So I intalled it onto Scumm VM to see if it would fix it but it didn't really. Sure when it's in a 5 by 3 inch box it's better, but you can tell the text is still really pixelated and when I try and expand it to full screen in looks even worse than when I use the CD.
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