The Feeble Files

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Post by magno »

Hi, please help me convert smk to dxa!
I used the steps as outlined in the post

Maybe there was a mistake in the batch files, but I've no idea how to fix it :(

When I execute convert_dxa.bat that's what I see:

Setting environment variables...
Processing D:\games\FeebleFiles\XXX.smk"...
Width: 640, Height: 480, Framerate: 10000, Frames = 2720
Encoding video... read_png_file: Can't open file: XXX00.png

And that's all. It just deletes .smk files from the game folder and puts very strange unworking .dxa files into scummvm tools folder, they're all the suspicious size (19 bytes each), so I guess the conversion never really happens...
What's wrong?

That's how the batch files look:


@echo off
rem Feeble Files smk->dxa batch convertor

echo Setting environment variables...
SET TOOLS_PATH=D:\games\scummvm\tools
SET BINK_PATH=D:\Program Files\RADVideo
SET SMK_PATH=D:\games\FeebleFiles
SET DXA_PATH=D:\games\FeebleFiles\dxa

for %%i in (%SMK_PATH%\*.smk) do call convert_dxa2.bat "%%i"

echo Converting finished!


@echo off
echo Processing %1...

"%BINK_PATH%\BinkConv.exe" %1 "%SMK_PATH%\%~n1.png" /n-1 /z1 /#
"%BINK_PATH%\BinkConv.exe" %1 "%SMK_PATH%\%~n1.wav" /v /#
"%TOOLS_PATH%\encode_dxa.exe" "%SMK_PATH%\%~n1.smk

echo Deleting temp files

del "%SMK_PATH%\%~n1*.png"
del "%SMK_PATH%\%~n1.wav"
move "%SMK_PATH%\%~n1.*" "%DXA_PATH%"
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Post by eriktorbjorn »

magno wrote: When I execute convert_dxa.bat that's what I see:

Setting environment variables...
Processing D:\games\FeebleFiles\XXX.smk"...
Width: 640, Height: 480, Framerate: 10000, Frames = 2720
Encoding video... read_png_file: Can't open file: XXX00.png
I can't use these batch files myself (since I don't run Windows), but could it be that it fails to run BinkConv.exe for some reason? That's the program that should be creating the PNG files.
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Post by magno »

Hm, the path to RadVideo is okay. :\

I managed to extract the files without using the .bat files, though, through the RadVideo. It has an option to extract .pngs and .mp3s from multiple files! So now I have gigabytes of .png files and .mp3 files...

There are so many files to convert that I can't do it manually though encode_dxa, it's going to take ages. I converted a few and saw that it worked, but there are hundreds more that I need to convert.

How can it be done in a batch? I desperately need some .bat file! :\

The "enconde_dxa.exe *.smk" command doesn't work, it searches for the file named *.smk, instead of converting all files in the current directory to dxa.

How can you give a command to encode_dxa to convert all files in a current directory?
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Post by raina »

would this work?

Code: Select all

for %i in (*.smk) do encode_dxa.exe "%i"
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Post by magno »

Unfortunately, no. It says "unexpected i".
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Post by magno »

I changed %i to %%i, and now it works!!! :) Thanx.
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Post by clem »

magno wrote:I changed %i to %%i, and now it works!!! :) Thanx.
I think you have to use %i if you enter it from the commandline, and %%i when using it in batch files. I never understood why exactly though.
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Post by Blue Cobold »

I got no sound after converting the smk files to dxa. I have tried with ogg-vorbis and with mp3, but neither MPlayer, nor ScummVM are playing any sound when playing the videos.
What I might have done wrong?
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Post by eriktorbjorn »

Blue Cobold wrote:I got no sound after converting the smk files to dxa. I have tried with ogg-vorbis and with mp3, but neither MPlayer, nor ScummVM are playing any sound when playing the videos.
What I might have done wrong?
Did you keep the resulting MP3 / Ogg Vorbis files? The DXA file contains only the video.
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Post by Blue Cobold »

Ouuuu, hehehe. Ok, works now. :)
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Post by S_Hut »

Where do I have to put this line???:
Originally posted by raina and fixed by magno

Code: Select all

for %%i in (*.smk) do encode_dxa.exe "%%i"
Like this???:


Code: Select all

@echo off
echo Processing %1...

"%BINK_PATH%\BinkConv.exe" %1 "%SMK_PATH%\%~n1.png" /n-1 /z1 /#
"%BINK_PATH%\BinkConv.exe" %1 "%SMK_PATH%\%~n1.wav" /v /#
for %%i in (*.smk) do encode_dxa.exe "%%i"

echo Deleting temp files

del "%SMK_PATH%\%~n1*.png"
del "%SMK_PATH%\%~n1.wav"
move "%SMK_PATH%\%~n1.*" "%DXA_PATH%"
pls help!
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Game Cuts off after Intro

Post by Kastor »

Ok I have several problems at once:
1. Right now my game crashes right after the intro when Floyd collides with the Satellite. If I remember correctly, after that scene, there should be a scene where the other alien sees the Satellite through a telescope, but I cant find an smk file with that in it anywhere, could anyone maybe give me the name of the file or another solution to this problem? I have the German Windows 4CD version, the latest SVN version of ScummVM and ScummVM tools and have converted all the files. If someone could also provide me with the number of vga files that should be in my Floyd directory, in case I'm missing one

2. I tried playing the game earlier, converted the files with the same procedure and it worked until I enter the room with the TV on Cygnus alpha on CD2. Then it crashed. Could it be that there is a video being played in part-screen(the TV screen)?
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Re: Game Cuts off after Intro

Post by md5 »

Kastor wrote:Ok I have several problems at once:
1. Right now my game crashes right after the intro when Floyd collides with the Satellite. If I remember correctly, after that scene, there should be a scene where the other alien sees the Satellite through a telescope, but I cant find an smk file with that in it anywhere, could anyone maybe give me the name of the file or another solution to this problem? I have the German Windows 4CD version, the latest SVN version of ScummVM and ScummVM tools and have converted all the files. If someone could also provide me with the number of vga files that should be in my Floyd directory, in case I'm missing one

2. I tried playing the game earlier, converted the files with the same procedure and it worked until I enter the room with the TV on Cygnus alpha on CD2. Then it crashed. Could it be that there is a video being played in part-screen(the TV screen)?
Well, you don't need to convert the Feeble Files videos anymore with the latest SVN version of ScummVM, as the original Smacker videos of the game are now supported. But you shouldn't be getting those crashes either... strange
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Post by Kastor »

wow thanks for that quick answer! I wans't expecting that in a thread this old. You're saying that the several hours of converting were wasted... Hoooooray -.- but thanx anyway, I'll try again.

Do I have to have the files of all 4 CDs before I can play even the first cd?
Last edited by Kastor on Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:20 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by md5 »

Kastor wrote:wow thanks for that quick answer! I wans't expecting that in a thread this old. You're saying that the several hours of converting were wasted... Hoooooray -.- but thanx anyway, I'll try again.

Do I have to have the files of all 4 CDs before I can play even the first cd?

I do not understand the world... I have copied the all the smks from all 4 cds now and it works, I'll let you know if the crahs on cd 2 occurs again. But for now I'll just enjoy Feeble - or in German Floyd
Smacker support is quite new (as in, the last couple of weeks). And yes, you need to copy all the files from all CDs
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