Hello, I seem to have screwed up somewhere here.
I appear to be having trouble converting the .smk files to .dxa. I've set everything up fine, paths are correct in the convert_dxa.bat file, but when I ran it, every single attempt to convert came back with something similar to the following...
Code: Select all
Width = 640, Height = 480, Framerate = -10000, Frames = 1196
Encoding video...read_png_file: Can't open file: wasting0000.png
Deleting temp files
The system cannot find the file specified.
The system cannot find the file specified.
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
Could someone please point me in the right direction as to why "COMPUTER SAYS NO" so I don't resort to kicking the hell out of it?
*EDIT* Now that I think about it, here's the files.
Code: Select all
@echo off
rem Feeble Files smk->dxa batch convertor
echo Setting environment variables...
SET TOOLS_PATH=C:\Program Files\ScummVM\tools
SET BINK_PATH=C:\Program Files\RADVideo
SET SMK_PATH="C:\Program Files\AdventureSoft (UK) Ltd\The Feeble Files"
SET DXA_PATH="C:\Program Files\AdventureSoft (UK) Ltd\The Feeble Files"
cd /d "%TOOLS_PATH%"
for %%i in (%SMK_PATH%\*.smk) do call convert_dxa_one "%%i"
echo Converting finished!
Code: Select all
@echo off
if "%DXA_CONVERT%"=="CORRECT" goto proceed
goto usage
echo Processing %1...
"%BINK_PATH%\BinkConv.exe" %1 "%SMK_PATH%\%~n1.png" /n-1 /z1 /#
"%BINK_PATH%\BinkConv.exe" %1 "%SMK_PATH%\%~n1.wav" /v /#
cd /d "%SMK_PATH%"
"%TOOLS_PATH%\encode_dxa.exe" --vorbis "%~n1.smk"
echo Deleting temp files
del "%SMK_PATH%\%~n1*.png"
del "%SMK_PATH%\%~n1.wav"
move "%SMK_PATH%\%~n1.*" "%DXA_PATH%"
cd /d "%TOOLS_PATH%"
goto quit
echo Please, modify and run convert_dxa.bat