Is it possible to improve the scrolling while zoomed in on the TouchscreenN??
...after pressing A and the TOP screen is in the FIXED position, we are required to scroll using the L & R Buttons aswell as the stylus this ruins the feature
we already have the option to flip the screens so the top is in the fixed position and the touch screen is zoomed in, but if scrolling was natural with the stylus in this view-mode it could be that much more interesting to be playing
Last edited by Bowen747x on Sun Dec 14, 2008 5:37 am, edited 16 times in total.
doesnt anybody think it would be cool if we could scroll normally on the touch screen when its zoomed in with the screens flipped?? (im talking about the A Button)
I think the idea behind having to use a bumper along with the d-pad or stylus for scrolling is it could make it easy to select something on screen which you didn't want to if you was scrolling with just a stylus.
Before scrolling wouldn't you need to make sure the mouse was in hover-mode instead of having the left or right button highlighted. I think the way it is now if you do have one of the buttons highlighted and then start scrolling the bumper button overides the left and right mouse buttons.
Truth be told I can imagine agentq had some problems trying to work out the best configuration and as with all things not everybody will be happy with it.
I'm intrigued. 16 edits?
lmao 16 edits... ITS SO CONFUSING TO EXPLAIN!!!! thanks for the response
as for the idea of hover mode, yes that is accurate but i would much rather use hover mode than the L + D-pad scrolling currently hover mode does not allow scrolling
Yeah, I agree it is really hard to explain. I didn't understand what you meant by your first post but I think I understand now.
Unfortunately, it would be difficult to implement what you suggest. ScummVM DS doesn't know whether you're touching an active area of the screen (like an object), or just a bit of background. That's all handled by the engine itself. So it wouldn't be able to work out whether you were dragging the screen to scroll it or performing some action in-game.
The only way it could be done by scrolling whenever you drag the screen. You'd have to be careful to not drag when you want to select something, and of course any games which use drag for themselves wouldn't work. Still, it's an intereting idea. I might have a go sometime.
And yeah, I have tried several control methods and I think what I have now is fairly flexible without being too confusing. There's always room for improvement though!
it would seem that if you required the left/right clicks to be off while scrolling (hover mode) then it would be able to scroll without selecting items. i think that would be great, anyway thanks for reading
If I enable a feature like this in hover mode, the mode wouldn't work. Hover mode allows you to hover over items to see where the active points on screen are.
i still say it would make the dual screens look a lot cooler if the bottom screen could be zoomed in while scrolling. Having the top screen zoomed in and not be the touch screen makes it rather pointless to look at the top screen. We should be zoomed in where we are scrolling