Please test! Run Full Throttle and The Dig using slot-2 RAM

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Post by nOberoNow »

Is there a possibility to disable a sound in Full Throttle?I think derby crashing because of sound...I think this way because when i disable the voice i get to scene with fire and with voice game crashed at 'brothers' cut scene,again i think that scene with fire pretty heavy because of fire(or sound =))! If someone know the SCUMM Engine maybe he could create some kind of patch to remove only fire in that scene to get thru...It`s abnormal that i can see many cars on screen without voice with no crashing and in simple scene with only two cars and fire it`s crashed.
I hope you anderstand my idea?
P.S I know my eng. sucks.
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Post by Mortys »

That's true taht the ram of the Supercard is slow but it works with no problem for me on ScummvmDs and Quake2DS
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Post by agentq »

Don't worry, I know all about Quake and Quake 2 on DS. In fact I know Simon pretty well. I even have his EZ Flash and Supercard carts for testing ScummVM.

The problem with ScummVM is not the speed of the RAM (although that could become an issue), but the lack of 8-bit write support. If it had this, then ScummVM would run perfectly with Full Throttle and The Dig, but with this issue, only certain data can be in slot-2 RAM. If too much data is in use which can only be in the main 4Mb of built-in RAM, then the game runs out of main RAM.

Still, it should be possible to get Full Throttle to fit. I just need to find some time to work on it.
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Post by Bowen747x »

awesome news agentq!! cant wait to hear more news :P
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Post by Red_Breast »

I haven't had much opportunity to test the 'J' build as I haven't had to do much travelling etc.
I can imagine something a lot of people are wondering is what else would be possible. How does this work agentq?
I ask as I get the impression that, for the larger games anyway, the games need to be 'ported' on a case by case, or game by game, situation.
But did you have to do this with all the games or has it been that for the really old stuff where the game files are small (in KBs or MBs) most or all the work was already done?

Remember all the talk about Inherit the Earth recently.
I looked at some original versions which were all fairly expensive on EBay.
I'd tried the 'trial' from Wyrkeep before which doesn't work with ScummVM. Not in trial mode or if you pay for a full license.
I thought I'd buy the hybrid CD version and it finally arrived, after 10 days, at the weekend. I thought it was like the e-download, that is it didn't work with ScummVM.
I was on their website a couple of hours back and noticed, in small writing, that it does work with ScummVM.
Sweet. I just played a bit, up to where the trial finishes, on my Wii.
Anyway I mention all this as I was wondering if you've thought about trying any other games and I'd be happy to lend you the game if you don't have it.
Might I be right in saying it could be easier than the 2 Lucas games as it's only 5 files that would need to be looked at. I take it that it's the big (414mb) voices file that's the problem.
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Post by agentq »

Good news everyone! I've managed to get The Dig's power source room to fit, and also the car driving section in Full Throttle. That means that Full Throttle is almost definitely completable now (please test!) and The Dig may be too, although some sections run incredibly slowly.

Download ftdigtest4 from the first post in this thread. Please let me know how it goes.

I've also added some d-pad controls for the car driving in Full Throttle (actually, these seem to work for the bike driving sections too). Click 'Car controls' on the DS Options screen. Make sure you turn it off afterwards!
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Post by MaxArt »

agentq wrote:Download ftdigtest4 from the first post in this thread. Please let me know how it goes.
It runs just fine for me, I've finally completed FT.
The arcade controls are ok in the car show, I have to test them in the motorbike fights but I guess that wouldn't be an issue.

Card: DSTT (firmware 1.16)
RAM Expansion: Ewin GBA Explorer Pack 2in1 (32 MB)
SD Card: Trascend SDHC 4 GB class 6

I still have to test The Dig, which used to slow down very much during various tons of cutscenes, then froze even before arriving to Attila's surface.
I'll let you know.

Congratulations, Neil! You're the man! :D
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Post by Mortys »

Hi agentq
Just seen the new release and gonna try it as soon as possible.
For Full Throttle, cool that you include "Car control" but with the hoover mode is was very fine (almost during the bike ride on the mine road).
I'm please to hear that The Dig should run fine (even with the slowdown).
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Post by agentq »

Ok, another build is up, ftdigtest5, because I found a nasty memory leak which meant that if you clicked around too much in the 'Load game' menu, the game would eventually crash.

I also implemented some minor speedups.
another world
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Post by another world »

ft is playing fine, the car controls work great. my only complaint is for the cut scenes with nestor & bolus. they lag and it is difficult to hear what they are saying. i recall the car explodes, but this seems to have been skipped by the rendering of the game on the tiny ds. i also noticed that the sound of the fire carries through to the next scene, where maureen is looking for the key in the disassembled bike. the ending credit music score seems to cut out prematurely for each track. finally after the chickens walk, the game freezes, which isn't a huge issue, as it's already over =).

if you can do anything to clean up the cut scene stutter, etc, it would be appreciated.

with that said, thank you for working so hard to get ft working. i've enjoyed it on the nds.

-another world
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Post by Mortys »

Hi agentq
Do you think it's possible to desactivate the Zoom view (and get a blank screen) when using the Laptop trackpad controls
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Post by agentq »

@red_breast: It's probably possible to use the same techniques to make other games use external RAM, but it requires a large amount of work per game. Since I don't want to spend my entire life porting every ScummVM game to the DS, I think I'll leave EXRAM support to just Full Throttle and The Dig.

Of course, I might change my mind!

@mortys: Many people asked for a feature to turn off the zoomed screen, so I'll probably do it eventually, but it will be a separate option, as I don't see why it's related to laptop trackpad controls.
another world
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Post by another world »

i just played through full throttle version-b with no problems. it seems to load quicker than version-a and have less stutter. i played with the subs turned on and found no problems.

thanks again! =)

-another world
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Post by Duffmanbra »

Is it possible to combine these changes into the the other build of ScummVM for the DS?
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Post by Mortys »

Hi agentq
Thanks for the answer. Why I put together black screen and touchpad control, is beacause when I enable Touch pad version the screens and swap (which is completly logical) and it's a littlebit annoying (for me) to use the lower screen as a "mouse pad" when it's always moving... But I can only say one things : Thanks for your hard work on scummVM DS, which is for me one of the best piece DS Homebrew (with the QuakesDS, Lemmings, NeoDS and a few other ones).
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