Xbox 360 port

Discussion about other and unofficial ports of ScummVM

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Post by prout »

Hello everybody,

No news about scummVM 360 port?...
For devkit or for Retail boxe?

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Post by allenborder »

Hi to all...
I am new here and my name is Allen and before visiting this forum i am also think that there is such a no any port available for X-box...
But after read your info i get some knowledge of it...
Thanks for sharing....
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Post by Red_Breast »

Things seem to be moving in the 360 world.

I thought it would just enable easier installing of Linux and then using Linux software with it but quote
"run arbitrary code like homebrew applications or Linux"

I thought I'd add this as people ask from time to time about ScummVM on the 360.
Basically the situation will be the same as before with the first Xbox I assume.
You might come across ScummVM for 360 but it won't be official/supported or found on the downloads page on this site. If it was built with the 360 dev/sdk-kit then it will be illegal. Likewise if it's made with XNA I assume.
The other option would be installing Linux (Yellow Dog?) and then compiling ScummVM for it. For this option it might be OK to ask for help here as well although I'm not 100% certain of that.

I turned on my 360 the other day (11 Aug) and thought I'd look at the online store. I wish I hadn't. First I had to download an update. Now I find out after reading the linked page above that anybody with this update won't be able to take advantage of this new vulnerability.
:o :( :x
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Post by deathbuffer »


there's a lot of talk about LLVM currently, which is a rather new compiler project which compiles several languages, including C++, to an intermediate byte code, similar to CLR.

There already is a working MSIL backend, which is used by mono. However, I couldn't figure out if the generated code would run on a 360.

Maybe someone here can share some experience on that...
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Post by fragreaver »

Any news on this one? Since the SDK is "around" now, there should be a way to port it over :D
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Post by thesonandheir »

I have a JTAGged XBOX 360 and I know quite a few people are looking forward to this, is there any word on it?
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