monkey island special edition

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Post by Mataku »

there are no bad voice actors, just bad voice directors. :P
Same goes for regular actors and regular directors. Seriously, some of the 'best' actors in the world would seem crappy when the direction is bad.
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Post by DrMcCoy »

No, that's bull. There are really bad actor, actors not having had any training for example.

There's also, contrary to popular believe apparently:
  • Bad writers
  • Bad programmers
  • Bad artists
  • Stupid questions
  • ...
el seth
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Post by el seth »

Also bad English.
rented mule
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Post by rented mule »

Jonatan wrote:I saw an interview with the sound guy, and the were actually talking about how great it was having Dom do all the lines since he already knew the game like the back of his hand and didn't even have to reherse them that much. They called him the ultimate fanboy.

Face it, your idea of what guybrush should sound like in SOMI is totally different from other peoples. If you don't like it, then well, tough.
Yeah. Unfortunately for me, Dom ruins the experience. But fortunately for what seems to be 90+% of the fans out there, Dom gives them the perfect Guybrush voice.

Mataku has a point though...the voice director has a huge role. Dom is possibly a good voice actor but Dave Collins let a lot of key lines get ruined.

I guess for the most part, Dom did a good job. But the lines that I feel like he got wrong just ruin it for me.
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Post by Mataku »

Well, for what it's worth, I think that Dominic Armato's voice only fits the character design in COMI, and kinda fits the goofy 3d version of EMI, but in TOMI and in SOMI:SE I thought the voice didn't fit the design.
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Post by bobdevis »

Mataku wrote:Well, for what it's worth, I think that Dominic Armato's voice only fits the character design in COMI, and kinda fits the goofy 3d version of EMI, but in TOMI and in SOMI:SE I thought the voice didn't fit the design.
Soooo... you would go for even more inconstancy by not contracting the voice actor who did all other games on purpose?
That's some funny logic there.
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Post by nabla »

There is also this girlfriend factor thing.

My girlfriend never tried MI, it did not look good enough for her, no voice acting (she started to have a computer in the late 90s). Now, that the graphics has at least a higher resolution, that there is voice acting, she started to play it... And realized that the style of the original MI was not that bad after all. :D
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