
General chat related to ScummVM, adventure gaming, and so on.

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Post by crazy_achmed »

ok thanks but, which difference would it make if it becomes freeware? Other non-freeware games are supported too.
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Post by flexikon »

okay I've read lmost all of the posts in one sitting but all the tech-talk is really getting annoying for a noob after a while....

could someone explain what i have to do to play discworld on my pocketpc? do I have to download additional plugins for the code it uses? are these codes already added to the altest scummvm build? which files do I need in which folder to play it on my pocketpc?

I'm dying to play this game, but I'm (seriously) dizzy from watching my screen closer and closer trying to follow all of the tech-talk....
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Post by Longcat »

I guess you COULD go to the Pocket PC part of the forums and read one of the tutorials there:P

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Post by varsas »

I have the floppy disc version of the Discworld. What do I need to copy for scummVM? Are the files from the discs all that is required or do I need to install the game and copy the installation directory? Thanks.
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Post by Kisdra »

varsas wrote:I have the floppy disc version of the Discworld. What do I need to copy for scummVM? Are the files from the discs all that is required or do I need to install the game and copy the installation directory? Thanks.
All you need is already in the Wiki, in the data files requirement section.

I have a question on another subject : is there any news about Discworld going freeware ? How are things going on these days ?
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Freeware in SCUMMVM

Post by comp1 »

From what I've seen in the past, games are generally freewared at the same time that they are officially supported.
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Post by VictimOfScience »

I check this site everyday waiting for official support of this awesome title. :D

EDIT: NVM. Installed both last night and they are looking/sounding/playing GREAT. Thanks scummVM!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Discworld Glitch?

Post by Tim20 »

I'm not sure if this is in the original source code, but something strange happens when you try to open the Little Scared Guy's safe, in L-Space, as a ghost:

As Rincewind reads the letter from the jewelry box, his animation for opening the safe seems to play a bit too soon. One second he opens the safe and removes the hammer, then he's not holding it and the safe is closed, then it's open and he's holding it again, then finally he's not holding it and it's shut again once he's finished speaking.

I'm using the most recent daily build from August 5.

EDIT: It also says 'Soap' next to the plant pot in the bathroom, even though I've already had it and it's not even there.
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Post by tehmeh »

Tim, I'm pretty sure I remember that happening in the original game, though I don't remember the soap label being there.
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Post by Tim20 »

Ah, okay then. I've reported it as a bug as well. :oops:
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Post by Tim20 »

Another question: I can only seem to save in one slot using both the Windows build and the PSP build. Whenever I try to save in another slot it just overwrites my first one. Is this normal? Could you only save in one slot originally?
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Post by eriktorbjorn »

Tim20 wrote:Whenever I try to save in another slot it just overwrites my first one. Is this normal? Could you only save in one slot originally?
That sounds strange. It doesn't seem to happen for me though, and I have no idea what would cause it.
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Post by Nikioko »

Another question that has not been answered/solved for days:

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Post by sev »

Nikioko wrote:Another question that has not been answered/solved for days:

Because as our Forum rule #3a states, "Do not post bugreports here." So no wonder.

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Post by Tim20 »

Should I report my issue as a bug?
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