I just scored a couple of Humongous games on a flea market, CDs that originally came from cereal boxes and that sort of thing. The first one I tried was Spy Fox 2 and I thought I'd ask about the datafiles. I'm talking specifically SPYFOX2.he9 which doesn't exist on the disc, hinting it's the demo instead. But, there's a copyright notice in a text file saying the game is not shareware and on top of this, ScummVM detects the game as "SPY Fox 2: Some Assembly Required (Mini Game/Windows/English)". No demo there.
Is everything alright here?
SPY Fox 2 datafiles
Moderator: ScummVM Team
Right, right.
And when I started to do this, I noticed all the files are called SPYMini.*, not SPYFOX2.*. So this indeed seems like a stripped version of the game, one which isn't listed on the datafiles page. I didn't recognize it being new to the game.
Code: Select all
SPYMini.HE0 = e62056ba675ad65d8854ab3c5ad4b3c0, 14689 B
SPYMini.(a) = c7943ca2be7717dad2eb2e6a9e590fb0, 5873646 B
SPYMini.he2 = 2577b0029ecfcb9e764e20a9b2a4be6a, 4374772 B
SPYMini.he4 = c23f18777b5ad558826493f69749c4c6, 1883367 B