PS3 Scummvm?

Discussion about other and unofficial ports of ScummVM

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Post by Kaminari »

Forget YDL. Use Xubuntu.

The latest ScummVM build available from the Canonical repos (0.11 or 0.12 IIRC) works nice in Xubuntu 9.10. Still have to fiddle around with the aspect ratio though (scanlines look messed up on my config).
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Post by SuperDre »

Kaminari wrote:Forget YDL. Use Xubuntu.

The latest ScummVM build available from the Canonical repos (0.11 or 0.12 IIRC) works nice in Xubuntu 9.10. Still have to fiddle around with the aspect ratio though (scanlines look messed up on my config).
But how much faster/better is xubuntu compared to the latest YDL for the PS3? I know a lot of people are mad about ubuntu, but that doesn't mean it's the best choice for using on the PS3..
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Post by FancyPants »

I've only tried Monkey Island and Monkey Island II on YDL so far so I can't really tell you how anything else performs but both both of these games run perfectly so I see no reason to use Xubuntu and downgrade to an earlier version of ScummVM.

Are there any other benefits to running Xubuntu over YDL?
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Post by Red_Breast »

abigali wrote:How to connect my ps3 to the internet?
I have just bought a ps3 and want to connect to the internet but my modem has no ethernet port on it, can someone please tell me how to do it? I don't need a wireless router as the ps3 is very close to my computer so do I need a ethernet router, i'm just not sure and would appreciate a bit of help! Cheers!
I think you've strolled a bit of course here. Generally your post needs to be related to ScummVM on the PS3 to post here.

Don't worry it's no biggie and if I had a PS3 after I'd pointed out about wrong forum/web site I would of helped you.
I don't have a PS3 but from a read of your post I'll try to help.
Generally if you have more than one system (PC(s)/360/PS3) most people these days set up a home network. Yes an ethernet router.
I'll guess you have an old USB modem. Or is it older still? A 56k narrowband Winmodem? Serial?
Maybe if you get in touch with your ISP and push them a bit you might be able to get a freebie ethernet router from them.
If not you can buy one for about £50/$100. I have a couple spare myself. They usually begin with 4 ethernet ports for home users.
That's the best way but it might be possible to connect the PS3 to the USB modem. I doubt this is possible and you won't be able to use your PC though. You'd need to have a good google.

Good luck.
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Post by Scorched Earth »

I recently picked up a PS3 Slim, and there's no Linux support for it, what the hell...

Any chance someone has figured out how to run homebrew code on a PS3 Slim? Otherwise I might actually have to consider trading for, or buying another, older PS3.
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Post by fingolfin »

abigali is a bot ;)
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Post by EugeneE »

Scorched Earth wrote:I recently picked up a PS3 Slim, and there's no Linux support for it, what the hell...

Any chance someone has figured out how to run homebrew code on a PS3 Slim? Otherwise I might actually have to consider trading for, or buying another, older PS3.

No-one has found a way to run homebrew code on a PS3 Slim. If you want to run Linux, you will have to get an older PS3.

Sony took out the Other OS support to save money. You can read about their decision at ... x-options/ .
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Post by SuperDre »

yeah, you can only hope they will try to spend some money on the needed drivers (can't be that difficult).. them bastards for removing it.. The PS3 is the only console that gets fewer options with every new revision..
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Post by EugeneE »

SuperDre wrote:yeah, you can only hope they will try to spend some money on the needed drivers (can't be that difficult).. them bastards for removing it.. The PS3 is the only console that gets fewer options with every new revision..
You got a very good point about Sony. Sony removes features with almost every revision. First it was backwards compatibility and now their removing the hardware/drivers for running Linux on PS3.

But don't get your hopes up for Sony to spend money. Sony likes to cut corners whenever they can even if it means removing features.
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Post by SuperDre »

EugeneE wrote:First it was backwards compatibility and now their removing the hardware/drivers for running Linux on PS3.
It's only the drivers that are lacking for running Linux, there was/is not special hardware that was needed. They can spend 80 million on advertisement for the slim, but the can't spend a few thousand (50.000) bucks on some drivers.

And which console is still missing the Special edition of monkey island? right the PS3.. grrr.. Maybe, just maybe we can get a chance with the new 'applications' sony wants for the PS3.
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Post by bobdevis »

The removal of Linux support had nothing to do with it being too expensive or with the drivers.
The only thing you need for Linux on the PS3 is the ability to make the boot-loader do a certain trick. The community can figure out the drivers all by themselves. The hardware is not too exotic anyway.

Sony purposefully removed the option. Probably because they sell the PS3 at a loss and are afraid people will start buying it for other reasons then playing legitimate PS3 games.
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Post by Morden »

Oh man, Sony sucks so bad these days. Just when you think the whole PS3 thing can't get worse, it does. To me, the ability of running Linux was actually a selling argument. Most of the games you get for PS3 are cheaper on the 360 anyway. Plus, the 360 games usually find their way into the bargain bins quickly, while most PS3 titles never do.
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Post by SuperDre »

Morden wrote:Most of the games you get for PS3 are cheaper on the 360 anyway. Plus, the 360 games usually find their way into the bargain bins quickly, while most PS3 titles never do.
Well, just check around then, because I've got 60+ games now since januari when I bought my PS3, and I've never payed more than 15 euro's for any of the games (well ok, a few exceptions, but they where 20 and 30 euro)... Just check sites like amazon (sellers) etc....

And it certainly isn't easy, and not just a bootloader.. the current Linux on the 'older' PS3's is running in a hypervisor (normal games don't), so unless you can get it to run in the hypervisor (which isn't a small thing) you can't do anything with it..
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Post by Kaminari »

Morden wrote:Most of the games you get for PS3 are cheaper on the 360 anyway. Plus, the 360 games usually find their way into the bargain bins quickly, while most PS3 titles never do.
Misinformation at its finest. The Cold War is over, dude.
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Post by Stryfe »

With the demise of the old PS3 Linux installations, will anyone ever figure out a way to run ScummVM on PS3s? ... 21-update/

I myself have a Slim, so I'm unaffected. But considering Linux was the only option for Phat owners, now nobody will be able to.
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