Hi there Belek666,
>> I've loaded ScummVM from usb stick using uLE.
>> When my keyboard didn't work with it I use ps2link
>> to find a problem.
Good approach!
I always do the same when I test for a release
>> I tried many usbd.irx and of course the one that
>> comes with ScummVM.
I thought so, but I wanted to be sure.
>> My keyboard isn't working with homebrew apps but with
>> $ony games and PS2 linux works very well.
Interesting, then this might suggest that something with
the exploit FMCB is causing this issue. Could you please
try couple of things:
- a different exploit (e.g. one of those based on certain
PS1 CD ?)
- a different keyboard (or a different USB port, switch
USB key and kbd)
- does it work with a USB mouse?
Please let me know.
That's all I can think of, checking the thread I saw that
even Mega Man, who is one of the gurus of PS2 homebrew,
gave up, so I am doubtful that I will come out with
anything smarter...
Hope this helps.