Noob question about running Grim Fandango with Grim X

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Noob question about running Grim Fandango with Grim X

Post by michaelbak »

So after buying Full Throttle & Sam and Max on ebay I decided that I needed a new Lucas Arts games fix. So my sisters friend (who loves Point and click adventure games) gave me her old copy of Grim Fandango. The problem with this is that I can't get it to run on my Macbook. I thought I would just pop in the disk and open Grim X and it would play but (obviously) thats not the case. As I am no programmer I haven't figured out how to use Grim X let alone how to even put the Grime Fandango files in the right places. I copied the files to a folder on my hard and drive Grim X couldn't find it. And I popped in the disk and Grim X couldn't find it. And I tried updating the binary but I didn't know which code item I'm supposed to select it couldn't find it.

So as you can see I know nothing about this and just want to play my game. And watching videos on youtube is making my craving only worse.

So could anyone who's not a dumb ass at this like me please help me?
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Post by eriktorbjorn »

From what I understand Grim X is a frontend to Residual, so maybe someone on that forum knows.

(Note that Residual, while impressive in its own right, doesn't really work all that well for playing the game yet. For instance, saving/restoring still did not work when I tried it a few days ago.)
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Post by Red_Breast »

Is it a Windows version of the game? (I don't know if it got a Mac release)
If it is Mac I'd assume it's for PPC architecture anyway. Don't Macs these days have a Classic mode?
If it's Windows do you have a Windows PC at your disposal?
Or one of those programs to use Windows on your Mac although I assume you need a copy of Windows to go with it.
It's possible to run the game on WindowsXP I know that (remember even though it's a Windows game it's not a XP game)
but it's a little easier to set up for Windows and that includes Vista by using one of the Quick and Easy setups.

If you do want to play the game you'll need to use one of the options I've mentioned and not Residual/GrimX. As Erik has already hinted.
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Post by MeddlingMonk »

michaelbak, GrimX is based on a very old build of Residual. It's not worth messing with. Go to the Residual website for current builds (currently Intel Macs only). Like with ScummVM, you need to copy the needed data files to your hard drive. For Grim Fandango, that would be and the *.lab files. Residual now has a ScummVM-style gui. Residual is very much in an alpha state. Many things don't work properly or at all, like saving and loading.

Red_Breast, Grim Fandango was a Windows-only game but that isn't important because Residual is cross-platform. The data files are just data, and Residual replaces the original binaries. Until Residual is 'finished' the only way to play really GF on a Mac would be with an Intel Mac using Boot Camp and a supported version of Windows, or through virtualization, or Darwine (maybe).
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Post by clone2727 »

MeddlingMonk wrote:or Darwine (maybe)
Darwine is a Wine port to Mac OS X PPC. The main Wine repository has support for Mac OS X x86 (and works well for many things).
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Post by Red_Breast »

@ mmonk
"Red_Breast, Grim Fandango was a Windows-only game but that isn't important because Residual is cross-platform."

I think you misunderstood me (don't worry - many people seem to - are my posts so bad?)
I was laying out the OP's options for playing Grim without Residual. If the OP wants to play the game right now it's best to steer clear of Residual isn't it?
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Post by michaelbak »

MeddlingMonk wrote:michaelbak, GrimX is based on a very old build of Residual. It's not worth messing with.
I went and got Crossover Games and after using the new launcher and the xp-vista installer it runs perfectly! There are a few bugs but if I save every 5 minutes it feels like a pretty good experience.
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Post by MeddlingMonk »

Red_Breast wrote:If the OP wants to play the game right now it's best to steer clear of Residual isn't it?
That's right. Residual is at such an early stage of development, the only real reason to play with it now (unless you're a coder and want to contribute to the project) is just to see how it's coming along. That can be amusing. One time, Eva was somehow straddling the back of her chair outside Copal's office and rotated in opposition to the chair. And I thought, 'Well, at least now I know what the back of Eva's head looks like.' :lol:
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