Discworld 2 Dialog Editor (Is there any?)

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Discworld 2 Dialog Editor (Is there any?)

Post by Gokyabgu »

Hi everyone,I'm new to the forum.

I'm a fan of Discworld books and Discworld 2 is one of my favourite icon adventures, a true classic. In the past running D2 on XP, Vista machines was really a pain. But, thanks to the folks at ScummVM, now I can play this classic once more.

What I want to do is to translate this masterpiece to my native language. There are two txt files that contains all the dialogs: English1 and English2. I can't modify the files with any text editor, because ScummVM gives me an error message if I try to run D2 with modified file. Other way is to use a hex editor. With this, I can modify the files without a problem, but, unfortunately I can't excess the max character number that dedicated for the certain dialog text.
For ex, if I want to translate "How are you?", it consists of 12 characters (with spaces and question mark) and I can't write more than 12 characters for its translation.

My question is: Do you know an editor for this dialog modifications? If there isn't, is it possible to be made one by the reverse engineers of Discworld?

Thanks for the answers.
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Re: Discworld 2 Dialog Editor (Is there any?)

Post by DrMcCoy »

Gokyabgu wrote:My question is: Do you know an editor for this dialog modifications?
I for one don't.
Gokyabgu wrote:If there isn't, is it possible to be made one by the reverse engineers of Discworld?
Unlikely. You can roll your own, though, if you want. engines/tinsel/strres.cpp should tell you everything you need to know about the format of the text file.
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Post by Gokyabgu »

It's impossible to translate it without an editor. I think I must forget it.

Well, thanks for the answer anyway.
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