Cannot save game on Mac

Discussion about other and unofficial ports of ScummVM

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Cannot save game on Mac

Post by limtc »


Ever since 1.0 build, I am no longer able to save games in Freddi Fish or Putt Putt on my Mac...

F5 menu does not work, nor Option 0-9... these used to work.

Please help, I don't want to stay in 0.13.1 forever...

PS: why is Mac considered an "Other Ports" while Android port is on the main page? Isn't Mac much more popular?
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Re: Cannot save game on Mac

Post by eriktorbjorn »

limtc wrote: Ever since 1.0 build, I am no longer able to save games in Freddi Fish or Putt Putt on my Mac...

F5 menu does not work, nor Option 0-9... these used to work.
I've heard that having ScummVM use its own save/load dialog caused glitches in at least some of the Humongous Entertainment games, so they use their original dialogs instead. You'll have to check your game manuals to see how to use them, but at least in the few Humongous Entertainment games I have, it's the S and L keys.
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Re: Cannot save game on Mac

Post by limtc »

eriktorbjorn wrote:
I've heard that having ScummVM use its own save/load dialog caused glitches in at least some of the Humongous Entertainment games, so they use their original dialogs instead. You'll have to check your game manuals to see how to use them, but at least in the few Humongous Entertainment games I have, it's the S and L keys.
Thanks! It worked... the first time. I tried save in Freddi Fish 4, then go to 2nd screen and press "S" again and it either crashed into game console, or hung.

Why does ScummVM removes the excellent global load/save that works so well in pre-1.0?
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Re: Cannot save game on Mac

Post by fingolfin »

limtc wrote:PS: why is Mac considered an "Other Ports" while Android port is on the main page? Isn't Mac much more popular?
The "ports" subforum are mostly for non-desktop devices on which ScummVM runs. Smartphones, gaming consoles... all kinds of devices with very special requirements.

The regular desktop port (be it the most popular one, Windows, but also Linux, Mac, Amiga, ...) are all covered by the main parts of the forum: "General Discussion" and "Help and Support".
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scummvm save on mac

Post by pidakloos »

So it's the f5 but what you need to make sure is that it's turned on as standard function keys in system preferences. So: Go to system preferences-choose keyboard-turn on standard function for f-keys. and tada
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