Files not found compiling last SVN version

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Files not found compiling last SVN version

Post by AngeleToR »

Hi guys,

I'm rather new into iphone programming, and the first thing I wanted to give a shot was this awesome app.

I've followed the README instructions, read the WIKI and the forum, and even accesed the SVN via https to no avail. Some files, all of them belonging to the sci tree are missing and the files from 1.1.1 sources doesn't work in its place, as some function calls and structs have changed.

Sooooo, my question is, where did the missing files in 51318 SVN revision went?? I suppose that not only the iPhone compile will fail, but as I'm not sure about it, so I post here first.

Thanks in advance and keep on going with the best app in the world!!!

PS: I don't expect to be able to improve anything, at least until I gain MUCH more experience in iPhone prog., but may I fix something playing with the app, OF COURSE that I will submit it so we all enjoy it!!
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Post by sev »

I don't quite understand which files you are talking about.

By wild guess I am supposing that you are talking about renames in files, but iPhone port uses our makefiles subsystem and picks that up. Also our buildbot still builds the ports successfully.

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Post by AngeleToR »

Ops, so sorry, too much talking and so little info by my side, my mistake.

One of the files missing may be in /engines/sci/graphics/gui.h and gui.cpp. I'm talking by memory, I'm in the iphone not the computer, this evening will repost further info.

I also though of file renames, or the .xcode project file being outdated or so, but the compile errors affect #include's that refer to those non-existent files. Sorry for not being more specific, in ten hours will be able to update the thread.

Regards, Angel
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Post by Vinterstum »

There's basically two ways of building the iPhone port:

* Using the unofficial SDK, which uses our normal Makefile system. This is necessary for releases, since the Apple SDK can't be used (legally) for that.

* Using the official Apple SDK. That's what the XCode project is for (it can also build a normal Mac version, incidentally). Unfortunately, since that doesn't use the normal makefiles, the project file frequently goes out of sync with the rest of the codebase. I fix it up once in a while, but it'll frequently take some time before I do. So if you use the XCode project, you'll probably have to spend a couple of minutes fixing it up before you use it.

Fixing it up is easy though: Just remove any red .cpp files (i.e. files that have been removed), and add any new files (i.e. files containing symbols that the linker complains about).

I'll take a look and fix it up now, though.

EDIT: And any work you do will be very much appreciated, too :). I don't have much time to work on the port these days, and there's several areas that are in dire need of improvement (GUI and control interface).
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Post by fingolfin »

The iPhone Xcode project is not regularly updated, hence it may refer to files which have been removed or renamed, or may be missing to files which have been newly added.
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Post by AngeleToR »

I'm using the official SDK from Apple, so that's why the common makefiles aren't working for me, sure... My doubt was about the #include refering to filenames not found, but now I'm in front of my Mac and will give it a go again.

As soon as it compiles I will upload whatever files I have to touch, you can count on it.

I hope to be able to seriously add some good code someday, but I'm an iphone newbye right now, and it's my return into programming since last 14 years or so... I'm happy if I can recompile everything and send an updated project file for other's use.

Regards and thanks for your help. Angel
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Post by Vinterstum »

I've updated the xcode project now, so if you update from svn again it should work.
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Post by AngeleToR »

Sorry for being out of the project so long. Been busy with job.

I've tried the new xcode, works great and compiles with just some warnings, but linking fails. Seems to complain about libraries being built for a different achitecture, and some objects fails to link.

Warnings looks like this:
ld: warning: in /Users/angel/Documents/Desarrollo/Aplicaciones/SCUMMVM/dists/iphone/lib/libmad.a, file was built for unsupported file format which is not the architecture being linked (i386)

And the errors are this kind:
"M4::MadsSpriteSlot::copy(M4::SpriteSlotSubset const&)", referenced from:
M4::MadsAnimation::update() in animation-EE5EDA017DC84B76.o

Will recheck the libraries I've downloaded, may I have been mistaken, but not likely. Maybe I try to recompile the libs???

Will keep you updated, any ideas are welcome though.

Regards, Angel
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Post by Vinterstum »

Basically you're compiling for one architecture, but trying to link to the libs of another. Try building for the Device target and not the Simulator.
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Post by Vinterstum »

AngeleToR wrote:
And the errors are this kind:
"M4::MadsSpriteSlot::copy(M4::SpriteSlotSubset const&)", referenced from:
M4::MadsAnimation::update() in animation-EE5EDA017DC84B76.o
Oh, and stuff like this, indicate that some new files need to be added to the XCode project (specifically some new ones that have been added to the M4 engine).
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Post by jaumedejuan »

AngeleToR wrote: And the errors are this kind:
"M4::MadsSpriteSlot::copy(M4::SpriteSlotSubset const&)", referenced from:
M4::MadsAnimation::update() in animation-EE5EDA017DC84B76.o
I've followed the processed explained here, deleted 4 files that were showing up in red (indeo3.cpp, a coktail folder and vmd_decoder) and it seems to compile fine.
But the build process fails at the linking stage with that kind of issues.

Code: Select all

    "g_APPLEIIGS_getObject()", referenced from:
      StaticPluginProvider::getPlugins()       in plugins.o
  "Graphics::CoktelDecoder::setFrameRate(Common::Rational)", referenced from:
      Gob::VideoPlayer::openVideo(bool, Common::String const&, Gob::VideoPlayer::Properties&)in videoplayer.o
  "TownsEuphonyDriver::startMusicTrack(unsigned char const*, int, int)", referenced from:
      Kyra::SoundTowns::playEuphonyTrack(unsigned int, int)in sound_towns.o
  "Graphics::CoktelDecoder::getSurface() const", referenced from:
      Gob::VideoPlayer::copyFrame(int, unsigned char*, unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned short, short) constin videoplayer.o
  "TownsEuphonyDriver::chanVolume(int, int)", referenced from:
      Kyra::SoundTowns::stopAllSoundEffects()      in sound_towns.o
      Kyra::SoundTowns::stopAllSoundEffects()      in sound_towns.o
There's 59 of them and if I understand correctly this will be the issue about the files missing from the actual Xcode project. Or I could have broken something by deleting and not replacing the files that I mentioned above.

I'm afraid I'm still familiarising myself with Xcode and I haven't really found an obvious way to fix the missing links.

Care to share any tips?

Bear in mind that I've done this with the latest version of the SDK 4.0.2 when trying to build for an iPhone 4.

thanks a lot
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