The ScummVM translations contain many strings that are platform specific. So we need people to...
1) check whether translations are correct and appropriate:
As I'm not a Wii user, I cannot tell if my translation of "double-strike" is correct. Someone using a Wii who is used with the vocabulary might point the translators in the right direction should there be a mistake caused by a non-obvious string.
For this issue we need native speakers of the languages ScummVM is translated to.
2) see if the translation strings are not too long:
Ports like Nintendo DS can only use a small resolution and thus space is very limited. As the translators cannot see the options that are platform specific, it is required to check whether options are abbreviated by "...". If this the case, the issue should be reported and a shorter translation must be found. Please test for 1x mode and - if available - for 2x mode too. Also include in your report whether the abbreviated string occured in 2x or 1x mode.
This task can be done by anybody having one of the platforms to be tested.
You can switch to another translation by clicking Options, then click on the right arrow on the top, then click on Misc and then choose another language in the GUI Language pulldown menu. Be sure to remember how you got there in order to return to the language you understand. :D
We need the following platforms to be tested, because they contain platform specific strings:
- iPhone (build available here)
- Symbian (build available here)
- Wii (build available here)
- Windows CE (build available here; note: the one big binary included in the build archive might be too big to run on most devices)
Unfortunately, the Nintendo DS cannot support translations at this time due to the small amount of memory the device has got. This is why I took it off the above list.
Thanks to Neil Millstone for the information.