Everything ran smoothly up to the point when you lower the basket [using a spanner] for the little boy, trying to score a point. After I've done it, there was a short scene, during which the boy went inside the house, and seconds after that the game crashed, displaying the following:
I built the image according to instructions. I did it using the compiled binaries. Made the image of the directory containing all the game data, including teenagent.dat [the game data are in separate subfolder, but it doesn't matter]. Since everything was working just fine up until that one point, I'm guessing it's either a bug, my luck or there's something wrong with my files. Here's the list of files I put in my game directory inside the image, along with size and md5 sums.
Code: Select all
ADVERT.RES 712,500 A5B2DDA315EA82748201BDFE1892469A
LAN_000.RES 535,599 2B376797AF05A8A021A82D3D5ABF96D4
LAN_500.RES 9,538,457 0A1F0114B8F3450CCF5D908F0A5D78EC
MMM.RES 42,104 FC491322FF6C91232E719B06AC9C1CAE
OFF.RES 2,720,432 F91D019934D78905D2ACBC88FA56B1CF
ON.RES 153,907 C9207F1E31CB2A12BE26D9598412294C
ONS.RES 173,077 98CDF12D28297401381815D9725852FA
SAM_MMM.RES 229,636 D1BC477BD0F00E77D4D8D9495D644472
SAM_SAM.RES 769,552 76BF553AFBA9272457E759C6BAB030E7
SDR.RES 14,665 45A12561F17FE0143F52201FDFCF1D02
UNLOGIC.RES 202,880 AC505F7117D577140E3AE14F19A32F1C
VARIA.RES 216,683 554699904D1469B32D11AE731003F8FC
While other versions for more popular platforms go through a lot of testing, I'm not sure if someone played through Teenagent on a N64 to confirm whether it's actually completable.
Some info on what I used: NTSC US N64 console, memory expansion, Neo Myth with Diddy Kong Racing as a boot cartridge. I didn't have a memory card plugged into the controller.
The game is free, and is available at GOG.com. You can download it, build an image yourself, or use my image. It's the one I used when I got the error message.