how do I get un banned?

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how do I get un banned?

Post by MadB0b »

I post from my touchpad and don't know if this may be the cause.

I had to log in through an anonymous proxy and set up another account to post this, my account has been banned, I was posting a quoted reply in the webOS section and it said I would be banned if I did it again, this had also happened a day or so previously, no idea what was wrong with the content, URL maybe?

anyway I pressed return to edit the post and got banned. Can someone unban my ip please as posting through a proxy is a pain.

your ban message says contact web admin but gives no contact address

thanks MadBob
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Post by MadB0b »

another week of using this proxy goes by and still I cannot get the ban lifted

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Post by sev »

Well, you sent 5 messages which were triggered by our spam filter, then went on registering another account and continued from there. After every post you were given a message to stop doing this. No wonder you got banned, read the forum rules.

In the meantime I removed your IP from the blacklist, but you got a warning.

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Post by MadBob »


While I appreciate that you occasionally need to ban peeps, This is my first ban in 20+ years of BBS, IRC and Forums.

I created the second account to allow me to post the help message, To my remembrance I only posted quoted replies to the webOS port thread, this got the ban messages, tried to re post after altering content and then backspaced to previous post by mistake.

Your autoban feature is way too sensitive IMO, and once banned the message says ask for help but gives no email address to contact meaning you are forcing anonymous proxy and secondary account.

and apologies but I no more read forum rules than I read manuals or instructions when I buy a gadget :) I am simply a typical bloke. :p
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