ScummVM crashes on my phone

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ScummVM crashes on my phone

Post by lucasrc1994 »

Well, first of all, my phone is a Samsung Omnia 652 (GT-B6520L) Windows Mobile 6.5 - memory stick: 1858 MB, free 593 MB

I put Scummvm 1.4.0 on my phone with these games:

Day of the Tentacle
Flight of Amazon Queen
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Monkey Island 2
Sam and Max
Monkey Island 3
Monkey Island 1

First I was worried about the memory, so i did'n put the monkey 3. I have tested all games, and all of them were working, so i've decided to play sam and max. when the game ended i was ready to play monkey 3, so i put the game in the phone. the scummvm find the game and i press start, then i saw the little bar with the monkey (from mi2) for 1 second and then the scummvm closed. I have been looking for an answer in this forum for ages and i couldn't find anything.

In scummvm_stderr says:

SDL: Version $Rev$ bootstrapping GAPI device
SDL: Device is portrait, OS version 5.2 build 23137
SDL: orientation 0
SDL: Starting video acess detection --->
SDL: System 320x240
SDL: Checking for GAPI
SDL: GAPI OK, 176x200, H=2 V=352, 16bpp, landscape false
SDL: Trying Ozone
SDL: Running on Ozone
SDL: Ozone 320x240
SDL: <---- Detection finished. Running on Ozone driver at 320x240 (real 320, 240), using ARM accelerated blitter
SDL: Opening mode 320x200
SDL: Requested landscape mode
SDL: Setting portrait mode
SDL: Opening mode 320x240
SDL: Requested landscape mode
SDL: Setting portrait mode

scummvm_stdout says

Remote APIs client DLL attached ONCRPC task running.
Iser picked target 'comi' (gameid 'comi')...
Looking for a plugin supporting this gameid...SCUMM[all games]
Starting 'The Curse of Monkey Island'
Remote APIs client DLL detached
Process detaching from ONCRPC

scummvmCrash_29_12_2011_22_18_07 says

Exception Access Violation Flags 00000000
Address 03faf668
Parameter 0 00000001
Parameter 1 1e535000
Context dump
R0=00535000 R1=00000000 R2=00000420 R3=005a5f44 R4=00000000 R5=00000000 R6=00000000 R7=00000000 R8=00000000 R9=00000000 R10=00000000 R11=00000000 R12=00000000
Sp=1f69f90c Lr=00000000 Pc=03faf668 Psr=20000010


Memory dump at 03faf636
a0 e1 06 58 8e e1 26 e8
a0 e1 07 68 8e e1 27 e8
a0 e1 08 78 8e e1 28 e8
a0 e1 09 88 8e e1 29 e8
a0 e1 0a 98 8e e1 2a e8
a0 e1 f2 07 a0 e8 f0 0f
b3 e8 04 18 8e e1 24 e8
a0 e1 05 48 8e e1 25 e8
a0 e1 06 58 8e e1 26 e8
a0 e1 07 68 8e e1 27 e8
a0 e1 08 78 8e e1 28 e8
a0 e1 09 88

then it finish.

today when i was playing DOTT happened some sort of thing, i was in the middle of the game then scummvm crashed an closed. after the same thing happened with FO amazon queen, Indy atlantis and monkey 1, but i thint it's a completely different thing from monkey 3.

So, could you guys reeealy help me, I'm desperate! I've tried everything, i've tried mark the fullscreen option, i've tried mark the aspect ratio correction.... please help me, I would be grateful. (Sorry for my english, please let me know if i am speaking wrong)

thank you
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Post by lucasrc1994 »

Great news indy FOA, DOTT, FOAQ and Monkey 1 are running great! I suppose that it was high temperature. But i still cannot run monkey 3 please can someone help me?! thanks for all views.
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Post by eriktorbjorn »

I don't know anything about the PocketPC/WinCE port of ScummVM, but The Curse of Monkey Island uses 640x480 pixels, while the games you say work all use 320x200 pixels. I believe the screen on your phone is 320x240 pixels and while I gather that ScummVM can scale down the image, it will have higher system requirements than the other games.

I don't know if that in any way explains the problems you're having with it, though.
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Post by lucasrc1994 »

Then if once i selected the aspect ratio correction option, it should run, right? or wrong?
I know that the game use 640x480 pixels because when i play on the pc, the window gets bigger, but there isn't a way for me to run the game? what about the fullscreen mode? what does it do?

You said that it will have higher system requirements. If i take off all games from the phone and left only the monkey 3 it will run? (maybe is a memory error)

Thank you for the answer.
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Post by eriktorbjorn »

I don't really know, as I said. I don't even have a phone that can run ScummVM. But aspect ratio correction shouldn't make any difference. At least in the desktop version of ScummV, it only does something for games that are originally 320x200 or 640x400 pixels. (As opposed to games that are 320x240 or 640x480 pixels.)

When I said "higher system requirements", I meant while the game is running, since there is a lot more data to handle than in the other games you mentioned.
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Post by lucasrc1994 »

You know, today i tried to run Full Throttle on the phone, it works, but FT is 320x240 pixels, isn't it? I'll try broken sword later. Is BS 640x480 too?

thank you.
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Post by sev »

lucasrc1994 wrote:You know, today i tried to run Full Throttle on the phone, it works, but FT is 320x240 pixels, isn't it? I'll try broken sword later. Is BS 640x480 too?
Yes, it is, and our Wiki provides this information among other things. Look at the game info box there.

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Post by lucasrc1994 »

Full Throttle is crashing too... when a video ends it crashes. the game starts with Lucasarts logo, then starts the credits and bla bla bla. but when the game really starts the scummvm crashes. i was playing jumping the cut-scenes, but when start that part when ben is on the bike and you can control him (after the truck part) the game crashes... pleeease someone can help me?
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Post by sev »

lucasrc1994 wrote:Full Throttle is crashing too... when a video ends it crashes. the game starts with Lucasarts logo, then starts the credits and bla bla bla. but when the game really starts the scummvm crashes. i was playing jumping the cut-scenes, but when start that part when ben is on the bike and you can control him (after the truck part) the game crashes... pleeease someone can help me?
We need crash logs too, and preferably move to the bugtracker.

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Post by lucasrc1994 »

i have tried put FT again and it worked... sorry :oops:

But about MI3 and BS... they are unplayeble for my phone... thanks everyone!!! :wink:
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