Larry 3 crashes...what am I doing wrong?

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Post by Gone_Norc »

Since I see there is already a topic open on Larry 3, I thought I would post my own problem with the game and ScummVM.
I've also been trying to get Leisure suit Larry 3 to run, but immediately as I try to cancel the intro the console pops up and displays the following error:

ERROR: [VM] kReadNumber[4e]: signature mismatch via method rm140::init (room 140, localCall 0x835)!

I suspect it might have something to do with lsl3-LARRY3.DRV file the game creates, but my Leisure Suit Larry Collection Series doesn't have the file in the LSL3 directory to do what Cerebus1 did to get the game to run.

Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance! :)
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Post by wjp »

Gone_Norc wrote: ERROR: [VM] kReadNumber[4e]: signature mismatch via method rm140::init (room 140, localCall 0x835)!
That looks like a partial error message. Are there any lines before that?
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Post by Cerebus1 »

Hi Gone_Norc,

I didn't have the lsl3-LARRY3.DRV file on the CD either. I didn't get the error message that you got, but you might as well try what I did and see if it works for you.

Open Scummvm, click on Leisure Suit Larry 3, and then click Edit Game. Scroll over to the Paths tab and change the Save Path. Instead of "Default", make it identical to the Game Path. (In other words, choose the LSL3 file that you copied off the disc as your Save Path.)

After doing that, I started the game and the lsl3-LARRY3.DRV file was created automatically and I was able to get past the opening title screen. Try the same thing for Larry 5 and it should solve any issues you would have with setting a password.
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Post by fuzzie »

For reference: using *any* save path that you're allowed to write files to should be fine.

Right now, we try saving by default to the directory ScummVM is in, so if you installed ScummVM into Program Files and you're not running it as an Administrator (and please don't!), then it won't work. It looks like for 1.5.0 we'll default to a more sensible place.
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Post by Collector »

Win7 (and perhaps Vista) has a "Saved Games" folder in the user's folder. Might it make sense to set the default location to this folder, just as the ini file was moved to the user's space?
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Post by Gone_Norc »

Hey eveyone, sorry for the late reply.

The entire error message goes like this:

Console is ready
Debbuger started, type 'exit' to return to the game
Type 'help' to see a little list of commands and variables.
ERROR: [VM] kReadNumber[4e]: signature mismatch via method rm140::init (room 140, localCall 0x835)!

And that is it, I only pasted the error part, because I thought it was the only important part. The ScummVM status window displays the following message:

parameter 0: 0000:0000 (null, integer), should be reference
[VM] kReadNumber[4e] signature mismatch via method rm140::init (room 140, script 140, localCall 0x835)!

Cerebus1, I did as you suggested and the game does create the lsl3-LARRY3.DRV file in the game directory, but I still get the above error message, all other games work fine, also LSL5. Still no idea what to do.
And thanks to everyone for your replies!
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