Mini-Game inside Flight of the Amazon Queen: Where is it?

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Mini-Game inside Flight of the Amazon Queen: Where is it?

Post by C0deHunter »

Well, according to Wikipedia, "The DOS CD version contained a Mini-Game of sorts. The file Queen.1 (1.82MB, CRC: D72DCD56) is found in the INTERVIE folder in the CD-ROM's Root. The Mini-Game is a fully playable adventure game, where the main character tries to get an interview from the game's development team. The game features MIDI music and full text, but no talkie version was ever released. The Mini-Game features familiar locations, characters, and game spoilers. The Mini-Game usually goes unnoticed as it is not bootable or playable from within the main game. The Mini-Game is fully supported by the recent ScummVM release."

Were is this game? How can I play it?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Mini-Game inside Flight of the Amazon Queen: Where is it

Post by eriktorbjorn »

C0deHunter wrote: Were is this game? How can I play it?
That would be the "Flight of the Amazon Queen (DOS interview demo)" that can be found on the ScummVM demos page. (I assume the Amiga interview demo is pretty much the same, but I've never tried that one myself.) It should work the same way as any other game in ScummVM.
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Post by C0deHunter »

Thank you so much for the link, I really appreciate it!
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