Running scummvm on Cubieboard

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Running scummvm on Cubieboard

Post by BigWhoop »

When i try to start scummvm (if selfcompiled or from the linaro repos (quantal)) on my cubieboard (Allwinner A1x Device) i just recieve one message:

segmentation fault (core dumped)

a windows with "unknown window" in the titlebar pop up and then it closed.

should i try the debian version from the Raspberrypi device? (raspbian) or are there any hints to help me out?


PS: cant post the cubieboard wikilink here. sry
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Post by BigWhoop »

Here is a strace dump:

cpaste. org/1781/
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Post by digitall »

BigWhoop: Not sure if you are running the latest v1.6.0git self compiled, but based on the backtrace you supplied, this looks like a segfault during the GUI ThemeManager parsing of the theme data files.

Try removing /usr/share/scummvm/ and see if this starts...

If so, we could do with the following:
1. Exact source code you are using i.e. is it the latest development v1.6.0git master, as this could be an outdated bug?
2. More detail with a GDB backtrace ("gdb ./scummvm" -> wait for crash, then type "bt" at the gdb command line) of the crash occuring i.e. you will need to put the back.
3. If you can run scummvm under Valgrind to the same crash and give us a list of the errors reported...
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Post by BigWhoop »

thank you for your reply.

I now tried 1.6.0git but with the same problem.
with gdb ./scummvm i dont have the terminal message. So i dont know when it crashes exactly.

i wait 1 min. and then i typed "bt". The result was "no stack".

what do you exactly need from Valgrind?

after selfcompiling i dont need your remove "scummmodern" hint? imho the skin is not avaible.

i made a "valgrind -v ./scummvm" and here is the result:
cpaste. org/1810/

(will be deletet after one Week)
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Post by digitall »

Need to be very methodical here and clear to work out what is wrong...

1. When you said "after selfcompiling i dont need your remove "scummmodern" hint? imho the skin is not avaible."... Please clarify.

Do you mean that the file /usr/share/scummvm/ is not present on your machine? If so, please copy from your Git checkout, the file from scummvm/gui/themes/ to this location and try running again.

2. 1.6.0git is not an exact revision number.. Please try running "./scummvm --version" and reporting the result here.
If this fails to run, report this here and do a "git log -1" in your git checkout source tree and report that instead.

3. Please provide the output of ./configure in the scummvm source tree, along with the output of "gcc --version" and "as --version" for reference. This will help us understand if your compiler toolchain is outdated or buggy.

4. If the "./scummvm --version" works without problems, then it looks like the issue occurs when the Graphics window/GUI starts... You should try compiling and running a SDL graphics demo or similar to ensure that your SDL library is installed and working correctly:

The valgrind output you provided is not useful as it has crashed with various issues associated with ARM and system library issues. Overall, looking at the Cubieboard website and wiki, I'm suspecting that the stock firmware and toolchains may be buggy resulting in these issues, but we should eliminate other issues.

5. Have you tried compiling any other software i.e. DOSBox and has this also suffered issues?
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Post by BigWhoop »

hmm i cant have the scummmodern file in this path because i dont copy anything after the "make" process.

now i copied the file to this location but when i start scummvm (in the build folder) it says:

"could not find theme scummmodern...."


you said 1.6.0git so i though this was enough :)
it is git3799-g2785c3a.


the versions and config.log:
pastebin. com/TDs4k0BJ


i dont compile anything else but the scumm version i dont compile by myself dont work, too. imho thats not the problem? i will try the SDL demo thing.


i compile and run the SDL Demo : explosions/firework
works very well.
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Post by digitall »

I'm sorry.. I'm not sure I fully understand what you mean in some of your reply. I am assuming that English is not your native language, so will try to be clearer myself.

So the toolchain is using the following:
gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.7.2-2ubuntu1) 4.7.2
GNU assembler (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu)

Those should be fine i.e. not outdated and the git revision of the source tree you are using is up to date. As you can compile and run other SDL applications, this doesn't appear to be a major toolchain issue.

I assume you are compiling with the command "./configure && make clean && make"...

* The only issue is when I said "configure output", I meant the normal terminal output, not the configure log i.e.

Running ScummVM configure...
Looking for C++ compiler... g++
Checking for compiler version... 4.6.3, ok
Building as C++11... no
Checking for whether -Wglobal-constructors work... no

If you run "./scummvm --help", it lists the various command line options for starting scummvm.

Please try the following after doing a new compilation:
1. Run "./scummvm --list-themes"

You should get the following output:

Theme Description
builtin ScummVM Classic Theme (Builtin Version)
scummmodern ScummVM Modern Theme
scummclassic ScummVM Classic Theme

If not, please post your output into your message.

2. Run "./scummvm --gui-theme=builtin" and "./scummvm --gui-theme=scummclassic" and post a message here if either of these commands works i.e. brings up the launcher and allows you to add/start a game.

3. Run "./scummvm --gui-theme=scummmodern" and see if this then fails...
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Post by BigWhoop »

you are right with the language. I read my post twice again and its horrible :D

Ok now to the problem.

Here is the configure paste:

at the moment the board is compiling scumm again.
i´ll update this post when its done.

Oh and just to make it clear:
i mean that a file anywhere else then in my buildfoulder can´t exists. Because i don´t made an install command or copy anything.

because of this:
"Do you mean that the file /usr/share/scummvm/ is not present on your machine? If so, please copy from your Git checkout, the file from scummvm/gui/themes/ to this location and try running again. "

when i try the --list-themes option i get:
builtin scummvm classic theme (builtin version)

with "./scummvm --gui-theme=builtin" i get the same error message.

and i get a "cant find" with the other options ;)
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Post by BigWhoop »

updated last post
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Post by digitall »

OK... One more try.

Please do the following [u]exactly[/u] and in this order:

1. Copy from your Git source code tree, the file:
to the folder:
2. Run "./scummvm --list-themes".
Report the resulting text console output in
a post reply here.
3. Run "./scummvm -d 31"
Report the behaviour (i.e. does it run and a window
appear) in a post reply here.
If no window appears or a segfault occurs, please
report the resulting text console output in
a post reply here.
4. Remove your ScummVM configuration file. This can be
done by doing "mv -v ~/.scummvmrc ~/.scummvmrc.OLD"
5. Repeat Step 3 i.e. Run "./scummvm -d 31"
Report the behaviour (i.e. does it run and a window
appear) in a post reply here.
If no window appears or a segfault occurs, please
report the resulting text console output in
a post reply here.

Oh and please do not update or edit posts as it makes the thread much harder to read.

To be clear, this is not a supported platform for ScummVM.

This should work as a ARM Linux machine is not too esoteric, I personally don't recommend trying to run ScummVM on odder architectures unless you are confident and capable of low level debugging as we can't really help you.
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Post by BigWhoop »

1. done

Code: Select all

linaro@localhost&#58;/usr/share/scummvm$ ls

Code: Select all

linaro@localhost&#58;~/scummvm-cb/scummvm$ ./scummvm --list-themes
Theme          Description
-------------- ------------------------------------------------
builtin        ScummVM Classic Theme &#40;Builtin Version&#41;
3. a window appear and then close directly

Code: Select all

linaro@localhost&#58;~/scummvm-cb/scummvm$ ./scummvm -d 31        
Debuglevel &#40;from command line&#41;&#58; 31
Output sample rate&#58; 22050 Hz
Output buffer size&#58; 2048 samples
WARNING&#58; You are missing a valid 'translations.dat' file. GUI translation will not be available!
WARNING&#58; Could not find theme 'scummmodern' falling back to builtin!
Loading theme builtin
Segmentation fault &#40;core dumped&#41;

Code: Select all

linaro@localhost&#58;~/scummvm-cb/scummvm$ mv -v ~/.scummvmrc ~/.scummvmrc.OLD
`/home/linaro/.scummvmrc' -> `/home/linaro/.scummvmrc.OLD'
5. the same like #3. an black "unknown window" with scummvm icon in the top left for about 10 seconds.

Code: Select all

linaro@localhost&#58;~/scummvm-cb/scummvm$ ./scummvm -d 31WARNING&#58; FSNode&#58;&#58;createReadStream&#58; '.scummvmrc' does not exist!
Default configuration file missing, creating a new one
Debuglevel &#40;from command line&#41;&#58; 31
Output sample rate&#58; 22050 Hz
Output buffer size&#58; 2048 samples
WARNING&#58; You are missing a valid 'translations.dat' file. GUI translation will not be available!
WARNING&#58; Could not find theme 'scummmodern' falling back to builtin!
Loading theme builtin
Segmentation fault &#40;core dumped&#41;
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Post by digitall »

OK. You appear to be seeing two problems:
1. ScummVM doesn't find the Modern Theme or other themes placed in /usr/share/scummvm.
2. The fallback to the Classic Theme builtin results in a crash.

Some questions and further commands to run:
1. Since the themes are compressed with zip, do you have zlib (and zlib-devel) installed correctly? If so, what version of the library is this?

2. Please try "./scummvm --themepath=/usr/share/scummvm --list-themes" and report the output seen here please.

3. Please try "./scummvm --themepath=/usr/share/scummvm" and indicate the result here i.e. does this run fine?

If 2 and 3 result in no change from previous output and behaviour i.e. with the themepath, still only builtin is shown and it crashes, then try the following:

4. Unzip the into a directory within the /usr/share/scummvm folder and remove the zip i.e. so you end up with /usr/share/scummvm containing a single folder called /usr/share/scummvm/scummmodern containing the zip contents.

Then try running steps 2 and 3 again and indicate the results here marked as 4-2 and 4-3.
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Post by BigWhoop »

Hi digitall:

1. zlib and zlib-devel arent in my apt system. But zip is this version:

Code: Select all

linaro@localhost&#58;~$ zip
Copyright &#40;c&#41; 1990-2008 Info-ZIP - Type 'zip "-L"' for software license.
Zip 3.0 &#40;July 5th 2008&#41;.

Code: Select all

linaro@localhost&#58;~/scummvm-cb/scummvm$ ./scummvm --themepath=/usr/share/scummvm --list-themes
Theme          Description
-------------- ------------------------------------------------
builtin        ScummVM Classic Theme &#40;Builtin Version&#41;

Code: Select all

linaro@localhost&#58;~/scummvm-cb/scummvm$ ./scummvm --themepath=/usr/share/scummvm
WARNING&#58; You are missing a valid 'translations.dat' file. GUI translation will not be available!
Segmentation fault &#40;core dumped&#41;

Code: Select all

linaro@localhost&#58;/usr/share/scummvm$ ls
linaro@localhost&#58;/usr/share/scummvm$ ls scummmodern/
FreeMonoBold.ttf        cursor_small.bmp         list.bmp
FreeSans.ttf            delbtn.bmp               logo.bmp
FreeSansBold.ttf        eraser.bmp               logo_small.bmp
THEMERC                 fixed5x8-iso-8859-2.fcc  radiobutton.bmp
checkbox.bmp            fixed5x8-iso-8859-5.fcc  radiobutton_empty.bmp
checkbox_empty.bmp      grid.bmp                 scummmodern_gfx.stx
clR6x12-iso-8859-2.fcc  helvb12-iso-8859-1.fcc   scummmodern_layout.stx
clR6x12-iso-8859-5.fcc  helvb12-iso-8859-2.fcc   scummmodern_layout_lowres.stx
cursor.bmp              helvb12-iso-8859-5.fcc   search.bmp

Code: Select all

linaro@localhost&#58;~/scummvm-cb/scummvm$ ./scummvm --themepath=/usr/share/scummvm --list-themes
Theme          Description
-------------- ------------------------------------------------
builtin        ScummVM Classic Theme &#40;Builtin Version&#41;

Code: Select all

linaro@localhost&#58;~/scummvm-cb/scummvm$ ./scummvm --themepath=/usr/share/scummvm
WARNING&#58; You are missing a valid 'translations.dat' file. GUI translation will not be available!
Segmentation fault &#40;core dumped&#41;
all the same :( I had to use sudo to copy and unzip #4. Maybe its importent.
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Post by digitall »

Hmm... This _could_ be an issue with Unix file permissions.

Please do the following:
1. At a command prompt do "ls -al /usr/share/scummvm" as your normal user who is going to run scummvm, and post the output here.

I have checked and my system uses /usr/share/games/scummvm and the group "games" to control permissions to access these files...

2. At a command prompt do "groups" as you normal user and post the output here i.e. we need to check your user has access to video, audio and games groups if these are used to control access to these resources.
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Post by adiro69 »

I have the same problem on my banana pi board using Linux armhf. I tried Lubuntu, Debian, Bananian and Fedora with the same results. It seems to be a problem with gcc on armhf. I tried different version of gcc, even cross compling with Linaro toolchain but the problem persists.
The solution is to use clang, I installed clang-3.5 on Lubuntu and:

Code: Select all

export CXX=clang++
./configure --disable-all-engines --enable-engine=sky --disable-nasm
now I can play Beneath a Steel Sky :-)
I will try with all engines...
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