Missing spot animations in King's Quest 6

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Missing spot animations in King's Quest 6

Post by Morten79 »

First of all thanks for making such a wonderful program. After completing Sam & Max: Hit the Road several times plus many other classic Lucas Art adventure games like COMI, I recently decided too try something different. I finally decided too try King's Quest VI. Soo far I've only played a few hours taking my first steps on the first Island. I'm playing the CD DOS version bought from GOG.com . All from the voice acting too the artworks is absolutely brilliant work imo.

Recently I discovered something odd on one of my save game. All of a sudden all the spot animations is missing, like the waves on the shore and the green bushes at the upper part of the screen is also not moving like normal. All spot animations seems too have stopped not only on the beach scene but in all parts of the game where small parts of the background is supposed too be moving. I don't really know when it stated and sadly I don't know any way too reproduce this freezing effect. I think I have done something unusual at in the beginning like hitting the inventory button very early before I've picked up any items. By clicking this button early on Alexander says "Alexander is carrying nothing" and the music is muted on the current scene which I think is a known issue in the original game. Something must have confused the script controlling those animations.
After starting a new game I tried too go too every scene on the first island, picking up everything I could remember talking too all NPC's especially at the shops in the village going in and out many times trying everything that might confuse the game but with no luck. I simply can't explain why all animations stopped working in on this particular playthrough.

Here is the save game.
Last edited by Morten79 on Sat May 25, 2013 10:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by envisaged0ne »

Does this only happen when you restore a game? Or does it happen even when you start a new game? If it's only when you restore a game,then the save file might be corrupted.

Also, go into the game options in the top menu bar and make sure Detail is set to the highest. If it's to low, it won't show any animations
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Post by Morten79 »

Thanks for your kind and helpful reply. Detail was set beneath middle position, nothing was wrong with that save game. I didn't expected that Detail, Volume and Speed also was saved by the save game. It all happened because I read "Detail" as "digital" therefore I tried too lower that slider and thought that would lower the voice level.
I also wonder why this game has no proper users manual. The only documentation you get when you buy it is the Guidebook to the Land of the Green Isles which doesn't contain any information about how the game works. On the last page you can read the credits and that is all. The Guide book is a very fine story (lore) but it has nothing too do with a manual. How on earth should a new play know that the detail setting also control the background animations.
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Post by CaptainJei »

Long ago, when it was first released, King's Quest VI came with an additional control guide, I do believe.
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