Blade Runner Reverse Engineering

General chat related to ScummVM, adventure gaming, and so on.

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Post by DrMcCoy »

whoozle wrote:Think twice, it seems clear to me that BladeRunner will never be merged in scummvm
Did you read any of the things I wrote? No? Didn't think so.
Let me bold the relevant words for you:
DrMcCoy wrote:Where does that leave games using voxel-graphics like Blade Runner? Frankly, I have no idea. Can the voxel geometry be easily transformed into vertex geometry? If yes, then maybe going the ResidualVM route would be easier. If not, the voxel geometry would need to be rendered into sprite buffers, and then the rest of the engine is purely 2D? In that case, that seems like a fit for ScummVM for me. YMMV.
Apart from that, again, going for ResidualVM instead of ScummVM is not a punishment. If the game would fit well there, where is your problem?
whoozle wrote:Obviously, you never ever had REed something
Pointless ego puffing. If you had any idea about ScummVM at all, who would know the amount of work LordHoto has done for ScummVM.

Seriously, I'm surprised. I didn't know you cared so little for ScummVM after all.
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Post by whoozle »

md5 wrote:
whoozle wrote:That's exactly what I'm talking about. Noone would ever consider your arguments, like "voxels could be rendered in one pass, cost you as much as every colorkey routine". They have spent man-year rewriting and fixing bugs in stable code, just because it was "high level assembly". this is "<f-word> you that's why" kind of the argument, I'd prefer :)

That's exactly what I'm talking about #2. Think twice, it seems clear to me that BladeRunner will never be merged in scummvm, judging by this thread, so you have no reason to waste your time for it.
Wow. More flamebait. I can't believe it. You either choose to ignore whatever has been mentioned, or you're doing this on purpose, just to piss people off. Re-read the replies, and you'll see that we are saying that Blade Runner can be included in ScummVM, if it doesn't need changes to the graphics pipeline. Now stop trolling
I just talked about my personal experience and warned the OP that he could waste his/her time. That's the only PURPOSE. Time is the most precious thing you'd ever had, you know. So I would not consider telling obvious things as trolling. You overestimate my humble meself.

I don't know if you knew that, but REing is VERY hard and pedantic work. And you must invest ENORMOUS amounts of time in it. OP must be warned before you barred him.
Last edited by whoozle on Sat Feb 15, 2014 6:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by whoozle »

DrMcCoy wrote:Pointless ego puffing. If you had any idea about ScummVM at all, who would know the amount of work LordHoto has done for ScummVM.

Seriously, I'm surprised. I didn't know you cared so little for ScummVM after all.
I love scummvm btw. Also I care for the people who could waste their time just because of impudent and pimply ambitions :D
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Post by DrMcCoy »

TL;DR: I personally don't like whoozle. But we still all love Blade Runner, and would very much like to see Blade Runner supported in ScummVM or ResidualVM or any other project.

whoozle wrote:but REing is VERY hard and pedantic work
Yes, I'm sure everyone knows that by now. We also like to remind people of that fact. RE is hard work, and you will need to put a lot of time into that. No one every claimed anything different.
whoozle wrote:before you barred him
We have no power at all to bar anyone from REing anything. We are not mind-controlling aliens.
whoozle wrote:I love scummvm
I don't believe you. Because then you wouldn't have waved away LordHoto like that.

Now, I am saying that with crow in my throat, because I have some kind of rivalry with Hoto, and a few quibbles with him. But still: I have a hell of a lot of respect for LordHoto. He has done a lot for ScummVM, and without him, the project wouldn't be what it is today.

You however... Let me speak plain: You arrived with some weird kind of pompous smugness into the project, thinking you know everything better, expecting us to change everything you thought wrong. You were oblivious to the discussions that had gone before and impervious to rational arguments. You took every critique against your code as a personal slight against your person and created animosity throughout the team.

I do not like you. I do not like your reckless attitude about maintainable code. I do not like your smugness and I do not like your big ego.
And I would like you to stop trolling and go away.

In conclusion: we would very much love to see people working on reverse-engineering Blade Runner (or any other game, for that matter) for ScummVM. :)

Talk to us, and we will look if how you approach things would fit into our project credo. Since we're all individuals, we have of course different ideas about what those credo encompasses, meaning we will discuss it out and hopefully reach a conclusion everyone can live with.

We do like people to stick around to maintain the engine afterwards, instead of just dumping an engine an moving on. We also like do have clean, readable, maintainable code. Both for the maintainer's sake, and for our sake. Because it's always possible people get busy or lose interesting, so someone else has to take over, and such a person is easier found when the code is clean.

Should we reach the conclusion that your game and/or approach is not a for for ScummVM, there's always the possibilty to ask the ResidualVM people. They are also a nice bunch and eager to help.

As a third idea, you can of course always start your own project and use ScummVM code as your base (provided you keep the license GPLv2+-compatible, of course). Yes, this is a bit more daring, but still possible. We are also happy to help you with that endavour, and some of our people might join your project.

Of course, this is all dependant on you not being a raging arsehat, trampling on helping hands and burning bridges left and right... Many of us don't like helping people like that.

And now I'm locking this thread. This is getting ridiculous.