ScummVM on Firefox OS ?

Discussion about other and unofficial ports of ScummVM

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ScummVM on Firefox OS ?

Post by Raa42 »


After using the Firefox OS emulator for a while, I finally bought a phone that is using the real thing (ZTE Open C).
One of the first things I wanted to install was, of course, ScummVM ! But I could'nt find a release for that OS (yet).

So here is my question :
Would it be possible to run ScummVM on Firefox OS ?

I search the forum and found that an unoffical port was done about a year ago : and
I tested it, and it seems to run pretty well !
I'm not sure there is a Save/Load function yet, so it may require some more work to be a complete port, but...
Do you think it could be a good start for an official port of ScummVM on Firefox OS ?

I don't have enough knowledge of that type of programming to be any help, but I can be quite reactive on testing it and do some clear bug reports.
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Post by digitall »

raa42: You are referring to the unofficial port to HTML5/Javascript using LLVM/Emscripten: ... _Platforms

This was a proof of concept and though the source code is available, it was not intended as a port to Firefox OS:

If someone with a Firefox OS device wants to step up and maintain an official port, then we welcome a Pull Request.

However, we would need a programmer and developer to do this, so unless you are offering to do this, then this will not happen.
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Joined: Sun May 25, 2014 4:13 pm

Post by Raa42 »

Thanks for your answer.
Yes, that's the port I was referring to.

Unfortunately, I cannot offer to do the remaining programming to do a proper port to Firefox OS, I'm not skilled enough in that field...

But I thought maybe, as it is a new mobile OS, and ScummVM exist for a lot of mobile OS, some people could be interested in working on that port.

I'm offering all the help I could give : testing, debugging, packing the app for the marketplace, working on any graphical part, make coffee, and more if needed.
I'll be glad to contribute to ScummVM that way.

If some coffee-drinking-dev is willing to work on this, let's work together !
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