The 13th Doll - A 7th Guest Fan Game

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The 13th Doll - A 7th Guest Fan Game

Post by the13thdoll »

Hey Everyone,

First off, if this is in the wrong section, I apologize. However, the fan game section seemed to be related to AGI-based games, and ours is not based on that engine.

First off, thank you so much for ScummVM! Up until Trilobyte Games re-formed and licensed The 7th Guest and The 11th Hour through GOG, you guys were the only way anyone could play these games with the original CD's. It was largely because of ScummVM that fans still had access to play these awesome games, which were the inspiration for The 13th Doll.

The 13th Doll is a fan game project attempting to give fans what they have wanted for a VERY long time, a new visit to the Stauf mansion. We actually are a bit unique in that we have the FULL CONSENT of the original license holders to not only produce the game but, also to have a Kickstarter for it!

To give everyone an idea, this game has 26 puzzles, 5 endings, 2 player paths, and, if we reach a certain goal, we can even get Robert Hirschboeck, STAUF HIMSELF, to be in the game! In short, it will be the T7G fan game everyone has wanted!

Without projects like ScummVM, our game wouldn't have taken off and been sustained throughout the years. It has been the fans of the originals which have kept us going, especially through the hard times. Those fans would not exist if not for access through ScummVM in the years prior to the commercial re-releases. So we cannot thank this community enough for everything they have done to keep T7G and T11H alive, and for your devotion to adventure games!
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Post by DrMcCoy »

Initially, we'll release on PC and Mac
What do you mean with "PC"?
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