scanlines and resolution

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scanlines and resolution

Post by theelf »


two questions

first, is possible to use scanlines with OpenGL?¿ i will love to have real scanlines for EGA games, but my CRT is 31khz, then i need to emulate them

Second not too important, is possible to use non 4:3 resolutions?
for example, i use 1600x1200 right now in my CRT, but i will preffer 1280x1200 or 1280x100 for example, because i already use 1600x1200 for some emulators at 60hz

Or a way to select 70hz for a resolution

Thanks a lot
Last edited by theelf on Wed Apr 13, 2016 2:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by theelf »

Any ideas? still stuck in this problems with scummvm

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Re: scanlines in OpenGL and resolution

Post by eriktorbjorn »

theelf wrote: first, is possible to use scanlines with OpenGL?¿ i will love to have real scanlines for EGA games, but my CRT is 31khz, then i need to emulate them
I don't use the OpenGL modes myself, and know very little about it, so I could easily be wrong. But from what I understand, there isn't any such feature. (There is a "TV2x" graphics mode, but then it's no longer OpenGL.)
theelf wrote: Second not too important, is possible to use non 4:3 resolutions?
for example, i use 1600x1200 right now in my CRT, but i will preffer 1280x1200 or 1280x100 for example, because i already use 1600x1200 for some emulators at 60hz

Or a way to select 70hz for a resolution
It looks like it does check available fullscreen resolutions, and picks the one it thinks will be the most suitable... but I don't know if there's any way to force it to use a particular one.

It does save the previously used mode in the ScummVM settings file as "last_fullscreen_mode_width" and "last_fullscreen_mode_height", but I can't tell if editing that by hand makes any difference.
Last edited by eriktorbjorn on Tue Mar 29, 2016 9:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by criezy »

In OpenGL fullscreen mode you can toggle between available resolutions using Crtl+Alt and either + or -
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Post by theelf »

Thanks for reply, finally i decided to moddify the sourcecode and add a 6x scale with variable scanlines

Now the EGA games look amazing in my CRT, very similar to my old EGA screen

In 640x480 the doublescan of normal 31khz break all the magic for scanlines, but in higher resolutions, the magic is back again!

Monkey Island in 1920x1440 using a 6x scaler, and no need for OpenGL



I have a problem, when i press F5, the cursor have scanlines too :lol:

Just when is the scummvm menu, in normal ingame no... any ideas?

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Post by theelf »

Hi guys, sorry double post, but i need some advice

Finally i did a nice normal6x, bit now i want to do a scanlines6x

Can I have some advice how to do? im stuck in this one

First i edit surfacesdl-graphics.cpp in "backends\graphics\surfacesdl"

and changed
case GFX_TV2X:
newScaleFactor = 2;

case GFX_TV2X:
newScaleFactor = 6;

But im stuck in this code.. any advice how to convert to scale6x? now is scaling to 2x

Code: Select all

template<typename ColorMask>
void TV2xTemplate&#40;const uint8 *srcPtr, uint32 srcPitch, uint8 *dstPtr, uint32 dstPitch,
					int width, int height&#41; &#123;
	const uint32 nextlineSrc = srcPitch / sizeof&#40;uint16&#41;;
	const uint16 *p = &#40;const uint16 *&#41;srcPtr;

	const uint32 nextlineDst = dstPitch / sizeof&#40;uint16&#41;;
	uint16 *q = &#40;uint16 *&#41;dstPtr;

	while &#40;height--&#41; &#123;
		for &#40;int i = 0, j = 0; i < width; ++i, j += 2&#41; &#123;
			uint16 p1 = *&#40;p + i&#41;;
			uint32 pi;

			pi = &#40;&#40;&#40;p1 & ColorMask&#58;&#58;kRedBlueMask&#41; * 7&#41; >> 3&#41; & ColorMask&#58;&#58;kRedBlueMask;
			pi |= &#40;&#40;&#40;p1 & ColorMask&#58;&#58;kGreenMask&#41; * 7&#41; >> 3&#41; & ColorMask&#58;&#58;kGreenMask;

			*&#40;q + j&#41; = p1;
			*&#40;q + j + 1&#41; = p1;
			*&#40;q + j + nextlineDst&#41; = &#40;uint16&#41;pi;
			*&#40;q + j + nextlineDst + 1&#41; = &#40;uint16&#41;pi;
		p += nextlineSrc;
		q += nextlineDst << 1;
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Post by rootfather »

Hi theelf, your 6x scaler looks really nice.

Do you have any plans to continue work on this and maybe try to submit a patch to get it included in the main ScummVM branch?
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Post by dr.zeissler »

theelf wrote:Thanks for reply, finally i decided to moddify the sourcecode and add a 6x scale with variable scanlines
Now the EGA games look amazing in my CRT, very similar to my old EGA screen
In 640x480 the doublescan of normal 31khz break all the magic for scanlines, but in higher resolutions, the magic is back again!
Monkey Island in 1920x1440 using a 6x scaler, and no need for OpenGL
I have a problem, when i press F5, the cursor have scanlines too :lol:
Just when is the scummvm menu, in normal ingame no... any ideas?
Can't see the sample pictures :(
My G4-Mini (OSX10.3.9) does not show a regular raster either in fullscreen or window mode when choosing tv2x. Is it broken or is it due to my screen (15" TFT 1024x768 native). It does not get any better if I choose aspact-correction.

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