More unimplemented functionality than bug. At the time I worked on the journal, saving the journal wasn't an immediate priority, so it was left as disabled. Maybe I can throw together some basic functionality for it even if, for example, I hardcode the filename.
I've now implemented a simplified version of the original's journal saving.. when clicked on, it will create a file journal.txt with the content's of Watson's journal.
Since EA gave the source codes to this legendary series, is it available anywhere to download ?
I'm really interesting in seeing how adventure games where made back in the day (too bad LucasArts never released their source codes).
Not currently, no. It would be nice if it were available for digital purchase. Particularly the 3DO version of Serrated Scalpel, which included full motion video for all the game's conversations (although it isn't yet completely playable in ScummVM).